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Monday, August 31, 2020

Why Choose Conference Room Booking Software in your Office Premises?


Every industry has its challenges that they struggle with, but the universal issue which plagues numerous companies is inefficiencies surrounding booking conference rooms. Think about it: how much time do you and your employees spend booking meetings & communicating details, only to walk over to the meeting room you booked to find another meeting taking place? Not only do such discrepancies waste time, but they also waste efforts. Fortunately, there is a solution—one that seamlessly integrates into your office premises so that you can cut down on the time & effort spent booking meetings and that particular solution is conference room management software by Veris. There are a few reasons to choose conference room scheduling solutions for your premises –

  • Enhance Room Efficiency Across the Premises

Wasted space is the major killer of profitability, but with the conference room schedule display, facilities managers can obtain a full picture of meeting room usage & make adjustments thanks to the real-time data. Because of this insight, there is a better conference room management transparency. Conference room scheduling software helps to keep track of who is using the workspaces that makes planning things such as the number of rooms required in an office & the size of each conference room much easier for the facilities managers. They get better precision when planning spaces, & create areas which fix the particular need and fill the gap in current meeting room alternatives.

  • Centralized Meeting Room Booking

Conference room scheduling lets you adopt a single standardized procedure for better management of the workspace from the self-service or centrally managed outlook. Users can select meeting rooms based on location, capacity, attribute, or fixture. The users can have varying levels of permissions depending on their level of access or authority – such as being endorsed to read-only, request or directly book a conference room, or no access to see conference room at all. All such settings are configurable.

  • Conference Room Booking Ease-of-use

Conference room booking system offers an easy-to-use drag & drop functionality that minimizes the number of clicks & keystrokes needed to make & update reservations. For instance, moving a booking takes just two or three mouse clicks and shows you the details of the booking, & all relevant stakeholders are updated automatically.

  • Improve Visibility of Workplace and Productivity of The Employee

No more variance over the double-booked rooms & miscommunicated conference locations. Employees can book meeting rooms with assurance with the help of real-time meeting room availability viewing & booking. Conference room display software enhances the time efficiencies by eliminating the margin for wasted time & space. It streamlines the procedure of booking a meeting room & communicating room details so that the team can spend less time planning a meeting and spend more time in attending their meeting.

Conference room booking software can entirely transform the way your industry schedules & holds meetings for better productivity. The innovative meeting room booking software from Veris works to solve the costly workplace missteps which cause non-productivity & inefficient time use. Looking for a conference room booking software that will boost your workplace efficiencies & save money? The team of Veris is here to help you with a solution that fits with your industry’s needs.

3 Major Reasons Why Top Utilities Companies Use Visitor Tracking Systems


Every facility or establishment wants to keep the office and personnel security as their top priority. It is very important to monitor who is entering & leaving your premises. The traditional modes for visitor sign-in such as reception staff & paper logbooks that are time-consuming, laborious & often lead to the visitor inconvenience. While on the other side, if the establishment is busy with a lot of visitors every time then processing the visitor flow with an outdated system is quite challenging. To address this challenge, numerous organizations or utility companies are now adopting the electronic visitor tracking system for a secure, safe & efficient check-in. An electronic visitor sign in secures facility with the digital documentation & validation of the visitors’ & employee’s information in such a way that it increases the efficiency. The electronic front desk app is highly customizable & it is designed to cater to the needs of utility companies.

In addition to this, electronic reception management software offers interactive & easy to use self-service interface, so that visitors can complete the registration procedure on their own without any help. Now, let’s have a look at the major reasons which make visitor check-in app or software an ideal choice over the manual sign-in system:

1. Easy to Use

Visitor check-in paper sheets might seem simple, but they are really not. If you still have this old method, flip through it. How many entries are illegible or incomplete? And, what happens when the book is full? Or what happens when you need the data from a year before? When is the last time you really used this information and transcribed it into a spreadsheet? Obviously, the answers to all these questions will not be in your favor. With the cloud-based visitor management system, the data entry responsibilities are reduced to none. The visitors have to enter their information, the system stores it, & you are done.

2. Track Visitors Inside Your Facility

Utility companies have to enforce strict monitoring of all the visitors & employees on their property for a reason. Companies have to secure their facilities to ensure that their equipment is protected & visitors are kept away from certain areas in the office. To do this, they have to know who is inside their premises and the reason for their visit. While the pen & paper registration procedure might tell you who is on your premises, it would not tell you which part of the premises they are in at the given time. With a visitor management system, you can get real-time updates related to your visitors that include where they are, where they are going, & how many individuals are inside your premises. It can also assist you to get a big picture of your visitor patterns such as numbers & movements that are used for safety & security planning.

3. Round the Clock Reception

The visitor management system is automated and acts as a virtual lobby receptionist or a front desk app. It is designed to function round the clock. Visitor check-in software offers a clear advantage over traditional paper logs as reception staff is available only for a certain period during the office hours. A VMS is handy for the hotels, utility companies & other facilities that operate 24X7, be it early in the morning or during the late night.

With the constant pressure to improve the safety of utility companies, it is significant for them to find the expertise that will rationalize current processes & address their visitor management challenges. Thus, an appropriate visitor management system by Veris can assist you to monitor & manage personnel, guests, contractors, and visitors who need access to the premises. It can also ensure that you abide by strict regulations, manage data easily, and balance efficiency with safety.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Why Meeting Room Management is Essential for Businesses?

A meeting room management system can provide a venue owner with an effective & profitable way to manage their premises. Even managing single space might be difficult if it is in high demand, and if the venue owner opted for analog methods, it is a matter of time before space is double booked and the client uses space without paying. Modern meeting room scheduling software, paired with A/V technology integrated into space, ensures that no error occurs & helps venue management consistently administer any number of spaces. In this article, we have outlined the benefits that your business attains by using en efficient office room booking system or meeting room scheduler, helping things run more resourcefully & offering a better return on your investment.

  • Minimizing Admin & Management Costs

An intelligent and well-designed conference room scheduling software will remove the need for organizing all your schedules and operates phones manually. Meeting room booking software lets the employees and clients organize rooms & services in a synchronized and decentralized way.

  • Better Resource Monitoring

While meeting room booking software’s primary purpose is customer service, the useful upshot is that the available monitoring capabilities will allow the businesses to realize which services or facilities, are being most often used by the customers that are being overlooked & need to be re-marketed. This knowledge can assist, inform & improve the marketing initiatives & help your business to earn more money.

  • Better Organization & Coordination 

Meeting room scheduling systems like Veris help you to minimize human errors such as double-booking & help you to prevent no-shows via sending an automated reminder message. There are customization options that mean you can upsell services & products.  

  • Flexible Access 

24/7 access booking is a great alternative for night-owl clients and those living in different parts of the world. This the facility can also be utilized by all those employees who work late & who might need to schedule work at a time when the office is otherwise empty. As your company helpdesk is not open all day, every day, unless you use the chatbot web helpline, your booking system has to be fuss-free & user-friendly.

  • Environmental Benefits

A good number of software benefits will fall under this attribute. All such benefits refer to financial & environmental savings you will make by bringing the meeting room booking services entirely online. One clear benefit can be considerably reducing the external and internal paper use. Moreover, there are potentially greater impacts such as cutting electricity from rooms that are not in use, thus helping keep the carbon footprints low as much as possible. This way, your business’s success can also be the success of the environment.

We have carefully designed Veris’s meeting room booking and electronic visitor management systems to have all the above benefits & to be adaptable to a huge number of potential business scenarios & requirements. There is also onsite & offsite support, to ensure that your staff, & by extension your clientele, can get the most out of this tool.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Reasons for Implementing Modern Visitor Management System in your Organization


In any organization, there is a probability of untoward incidents happening. To improve safety means having a highly optimized visitor management system. Nowadays, visitor management is much more than a pen & paper logbook. In the past, the visitor management meant visitors signing their name, writing date, & mentioning who they are visiting in the offline log book or simple digital system. But, these are outdated methods that don’t measure up to modern safety, surveillance, and security standards. There is safety, financial, & reputational risk associated with this old, outdated, & disconnected visitor check-in system. It is necessary to formulate the visitor management software at the highest priority keeping security in mind. In case you are still uncertain of benefits, we have created some of the significant reasons for implementing the visitor tracking system below & detail how updating your visitor management system can minimize the risks or even eliminate the risks.

  • Know your Visitors –

Having an ability to control your planned & unplanned guests when they are visiting your organization will help you to reduce risks & provide enhanced safety. VMS software manages and organizes data to ensure safety for the entire premise. By using the solution which allows your guests to pre-register their visit & enter all relevant details at the time of pre-registration, you can rapidly process their details and pertain their visit.

  • Improved Control with the Visitor Access –

One of the most leveraged benefits of the electronicvisitor management system is that it is extremely easy to use. By enrolling the visitor’s credentials, i.e., Palm Vein or Fingerprint or RFID Card, you can permit your visitors to access the scheduled & selected areas only.

  • Live Status of your Visitors –

The visitor dashboard shows the current status of all visitors that came to your premises. It offers real-time data of all visitors who are inside your premises, pre-registered visitors, the state of registered visitor passes, new visitors, expired passes, surrendered passes, and more.

  • Help you to Maintain Visitor Database –

Staying abreast of your visitor database is vital to be aware of frequent visitors and to ensure the safety of your workplace. Thus, to avoid entry of the same user details every time & save time, the electronic visitor receptionist app keeps a database of past visitors. And, this helps the creation of the visitor pass rapidly, as the person handling the system is simply needed to retrieve visitor information from records, and eliminate the need for re-entering data in the process.

• Get Notifications for the Better Preparedness –

When guests get pre-registered, they receive the notification in the form of e-mail or SMS carrying necessary details. And, this ensures a quick check-in process when your guests arrive at the security gate. A notification is sent to you when visitor checks-in to your premises, and allowing them to know about the visitors’ arrival.

Veris specializes in offering an electronic visitor management system in India. Automated VMS software not only provides security but also gives your organization a prestigious recognition in the community. From a visitor’s first visit to check-out, visitor management software creates an impression that can last forever. It provides a seamless experience for employees and visitors alike. VMS software by Veris can play a significant role in improving your brand value, connect your company offices worldwide, and also ensure the safety & ease of visitor management process.