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Monday, August 31, 2020

3 Major Reasons Why Top Utilities Companies Use Visitor Tracking Systems


Every facility or establishment wants to keep the office and personnel security as their top priority. It is very important to monitor who is entering & leaving your premises. The traditional modes for visitor sign-in such as reception staff & paper logbooks that are time-consuming, laborious & often lead to the visitor inconvenience. While on the other side, if the establishment is busy with a lot of visitors every time then processing the visitor flow with an outdated system is quite challenging. To address this challenge, numerous organizations or utility companies are now adopting the electronic visitor tracking system for a secure, safe & efficient check-in. An electronic visitor sign in secures facility with the digital documentation & validation of the visitors’ & employee’s information in such a way that it increases the efficiency. The electronic front desk app is highly customizable & it is designed to cater to the needs of utility companies.

In addition to this, electronic reception management software offers interactive & easy to use self-service interface, so that visitors can complete the registration procedure on their own without any help. Now, let’s have a look at the major reasons which make visitor check-in app or software an ideal choice over the manual sign-in system:

1. Easy to Use

Visitor check-in paper sheets might seem simple, but they are really not. If you still have this old method, flip through it. How many entries are illegible or incomplete? And, what happens when the book is full? Or what happens when you need the data from a year before? When is the last time you really used this information and transcribed it into a spreadsheet? Obviously, the answers to all these questions will not be in your favor. With the cloud-based visitor management system, the data entry responsibilities are reduced to none. The visitors have to enter their information, the system stores it, & you are done.

2. Track Visitors Inside Your Facility

Utility companies have to enforce strict monitoring of all the visitors & employees on their property for a reason. Companies have to secure their facilities to ensure that their equipment is protected & visitors are kept away from certain areas in the office. To do this, they have to know who is inside their premises and the reason for their visit. While the pen & paper registration procedure might tell you who is on your premises, it would not tell you which part of the premises they are in at the given time. With a visitor management system, you can get real-time updates related to your visitors that include where they are, where they are going, & how many individuals are inside your premises. It can also assist you to get a big picture of your visitor patterns such as numbers & movements that are used for safety & security planning.

3. Round the Clock Reception

The visitor management system is automated and acts as a virtual lobby receptionist or a front desk app. It is designed to function round the clock. Visitor check-in software offers a clear advantage over traditional paper logs as reception staff is available only for a certain period during the office hours. A VMS is handy for the hotels, utility companies & other facilities that operate 24X7, be it early in the morning or during the late night.

With the constant pressure to improve the safety of utility companies, it is significant for them to find the expertise that will rationalize current processes & address their visitor management challenges. Thus, an appropriate visitor management system by Veris can assist you to monitor & manage personnel, guests, contractors, and visitors who need access to the premises. It can also ensure that you abide by strict regulations, manage data easily, and balance efficiency with safety.

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