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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Top 5 Most Loved Features of Our VMS

Veris visitor management system is the best office automation solution that allows your visitor self-check-in within few seconds. Our Real-Time dashboard and Advanced analytics help you track the movement of each and every visitor, also helps you to track the records easily from the system.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

4 Emerging Technologies Every CTO Should Know About

CTOs may be considered as the gatekeepers of technology adoption. In this role, they are required to fight the constant bombardment of hyped technologies, to choose the ones that will likely provide long-term benefits for the company. Technology infatuation is difficult to resist, especially with the massive influx of exciting technologies over the past decade.

So, here is a list of four emerging technologies that hold the promise of transforming business landscapes. Although a great deal of advancements has already taken place in these technologies, they can still be termed as “emerging’ since their full potential is yet to be unleashed.
  •  Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Analytics 

IoT means different things to different people. To some it means smart cars and intelligent appliances. To leading CTOs, on the other hand, IoT-enabled systems represent a powerhouse of data generation. M2M (machine to machine) communication makes processes more efficient by reducing the need for human intervention. Not just that, it removes human biases from the equation and eliminates human errors.

With this, IoT offers businesses the most powerful currency for growth – Data. The estimate of IoT data generated in 2019 stands at more than 500 zettabytes (with one zettabyte being equal to one trillion gigabytes)! And, this is expected to grow exponentially. No wonder then that thought leaders like Bill Gates and Dr Judith Dayhoff say that IoT has given the inanimate world a “digital nervous system”.

The magnitude of data represents a huge opportunity as well as a major challenge for companies. This data can be used for anything, from market research to predictive analytics. It can empower businesses to find a competitive edge and target new consumers. Within a business, leaders will be able to gain comprehensive horizontal and vertical views. 

While businesses have acquired data for many years, they haven’t been able to leverage it completely. Large parts of data remain unused, which should be a concern for CTOs. Data is worthless if it cannot be presented in consumable formats.
  •  5G Connectivity

Devices communicate over the internet, which means the role of cellular technology is vital. With speeds typically around 200Mbps and up to 1Gbps, 5G promises not only to be super-fast but also to provide increased network capacities and lower latency. This means thousands of internet-enabled devices and IoT sensors can run simultaneously and smoothly.

The results could be revolutionary. Businesses could live-stream events for millions of people at one place. Manufacturing robots could be empowered to ease tasks like assembly, packaging, and construction by communicating with one another. Driverless cars could become a reality. Technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) could change the way we educate students or train employees. 

5G could act as a catalyst for easy adoption and a higher number of use cases for these technologies. In India, 5G is expected to constitute 11% of mobile subscriptions by 2025, according to the 2019 Ericsson Mobility Report.
  •  Cloud Computing 

Since vast quantities of data will be generated by devices, supported by 5G, most companies will be compelled to transition to a cloud infrastructure. If data is to be the new currency, businesses need to focus on storing this valuable asset and make it accessible to people from anywhere and at any time, while also protecting it from unauthorized access. 

Doing so will dramatically lower operational costs, lead to smoother infrastructure management, and offer flexibility to scale according to changing business needs. Everything from bandwidth to processing power can be scaled inside a cloud infrastructure. This will be important for businesses to manage fluctuating demand due to seasonality or economic cycles.

The security of data remains a top concern for global CTOs. The onus lies on the CTO to forge relationships with trusted partners that offer robust data protection solutions.
  •   Facial Recognition

With devices already poised to provide such tremendous benefits, technologies like Facial Recognition can be brought into workplaces to enhance security, such a system called facial recognition based visitor management system. Companies can use this technology to provide a rich employee experience. This technology has multiple benefits from Visitor Management to Employee attendance through facial recognition. Instead of card punching, facial co-ordinates can become the source of attendance rolls, helping the HR/admin to prevent abuses like ‘buddy punching’ and increase the reliability of data related to productivity, wage theft, and absenteeism.

CTOs will increasingly feel the pressure of choosing the right technologies and ensuring acceptance within their organization. Even the most promising and fascinating technologies fail if they are not accepted by employees. The key to increasing technology effectiveness is ensuring they align seamlessly to employees’ everyday work habits. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The only way out is ‘AGILE’

AGILITY? Whether its the need of the market or a global pandemic, we at Veris have always shown our commitment for a better change. In this time of global crisis, we introduced Touch less visitor management system which shows our agility and efficient workforce.

To know more about this visit:

Monday, May 18, 2020

5 things CTOs must do to build agile teams

As we know that an agile business culture encourages innovation and increases the productivity of employees, therefore, there are few things that CTOs must do to build agile teams, for example- Encouraging Office Automation, etc.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Atithi Devo Bhava – Your Guest is Your God. Do You Give Your Guest the Welcome they Deserve?

The ancient Indian tradition of treating the guest as a God has remained relevant, irrespective of the major technological and cultural shifts the nation has seen. The phrase, “Atithi Devo Bhavah,” has taken on different avatars over time, but the core principle remains the same. The guest is a much awaited and welcome person, their needs are to be met meticulously and we need to do everything in our power to make their visit a memorable one.
Welcoming guests to your office isn’t any different. When a visitor enters your office premises, what they see and experience form their first impression of your organization. Whether it is your clients, job candidates or business associates, positive experiences are the steppingstones to long-lasting business relationships. It also sets your organization apart from the rest, if you welcome your guest as valuable visitors.
To give such a red-carpet welcome to your valued atithi, all you need to do is implement a simple, smart and intuitive visitor management system. Veris can help transform your workspaces, to provide your visitors the welcome they deserve.
Hassle-Free Registration Process
Impress your visitors with super-fast self-service check-in kiosks at the reception, so that they don’t have to depend on a receptionist to manually log in their details. No matter how specific the company is about greeting visitors, receptionists are often overloaded and unable to address visitor queries promptly. With the kiosks in place, receptionists would become free to address all questions, with a smile.
All key visitor details, such as name, address, photo ID, etc., will be captured by the system, leaving the receptionist free to receive guests warmly. Instead of asking visitors to fill in manual log books, a self-serve digitized access system, customized with your company logo, color theme and more, will create just the right brand experience, enabling a favourable first impression.
Avoid Long Queues at Security Checks 
With the Veris system, you can pre-register guests and simply send them an automatic QR code-based message or email, complete with the GPS coordinates, parking instructions and meeting room numbers. Invites can be easily created from Google Suite, Outlook Calendar or any other scheduler you already use. This includes sending out bulk invites to attendees of conferences, seminars or any other office events.
This enables visitors to avoid long queues at the security check points, where traditionally they would have been asked to manually enter extensive details into a log book. The system remembers returning guests, making the registration process faster and smoother every time. Visitor badges can be pre-printed for invited visitors, allowing easy authentication and fast check-outs.
Instant Notifications to Hosts
No matter how comfortable or inviting your office lobby is, visitors would want to spend as little time there as possible. Also, they certainly won’t appreciate if the host makes them wait for too long or totally forgets about them. The Veris visitor management system instantly sends notifications via email, app notifications and mobile messages to the host, as soon as their visitor checks in. They can immediately notify the receptionist, in case a delay is expected or send a message directly to the guest, asking them to proceed in.
Visitor Verification via Facial Recognition Technology
Facial recognition-based authentication allows greater efficiency and security in the registration process. Employees’ attendance can also be facilitated through the use of facial recognition. This technology can also be used to red flag or blacklist certain people. This ensures that unwanted or uninvited people are not granted access to the office premises at any cost.
Welcome Guests in a Highly Secure Environment
Empower your admin and security staff to comprehensively track each visitor within the premises in real time. With a centralized dashboard, they can see how many visitors have signed in, signed out and the names of the people they met, even within a sprawling office area. In case a visitor overstays their welcome, the system generates an alarm to notify the security staff. The system supports the creation of blacklists and firelists, so that specific people can be barred from entering and evacuation processes can be carried out quickly and efficiently during emergencies.
The Veris visitor management solution not only ensures a red-carpet welcome for visitors but also educates your organization about various loopholes and inefficiencies. With comprehensive, yet understandable, analytics and reports generated by the system, you can anticipate common visitor needs, peak visitor hours and other metrics to optimize resource utilization too.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Meeting Room Manager

A defined meeting objective, having concerned people being notified and a meeting room with all necessary facilities to start on time is the one that enables a smarter meeting.
All this can be done with super ease with Veris Meeting Room Manager which optimizes both your meeting and cost.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

How to Win Business and Impress Clients with the Right Meeting Etiquette

With veris visitor management system and meeting room manager, give your guests a red carpet welcome and a smooth and seamless meeting experience as when you make your visitor feel special and value them, you’re already well on your way to build a strong relationship.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Top 5 Most Loved Features in Our MRM

Isn't booking up a meeting room becoming a task involving a lot of planning to make things fall into place?  We, at Veris, are here for you to help you out with our integrated meeting room manager to solve your meeting scheduling problems.
Take a look at the 5 key ways in which our meeting room scheduler is helping companies conduct smooth and efficient meetings across the board.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Data is the new world currency. Have you encashed yours?

Find it difficult to manage a huge amount of data? We, at Veris, have designed in-built data analytics into its smart visitor management software. Data gathered from different systems that are synced or integrated with the visitor management system is brought together on to a single dashboard.

For more details visit:

Monday, May 4, 2020

Our Custom-Built Meeting Room Display is Winning Hearts, Here's Why

Effective meetings are a culmination of many factors. The presence of the right people at the right time and in the right place might sound trivial. But imagine the number of manhours a company can lose if meetings are disrupted because of miscommunications. Modern meeting systems need to do more than just facilitating communication. It is all about hassle-free bookings and scoring a favourable first impression for your brand.
With our 10.1” multitouch and stylish meeting room displays, not only can you say goodbye to meeting room squatters and interrupted sessions, but also add sophistication and personality to your workplace conference area.
Booking Rooms Has Never Been So Easy
Fitted elegantly outside each meeting room, the Veris meeting room display system serve as booking kiosks to promptly set up ad-hoc meetings. Just enter your official email address, meeting duration and confirm. Alternatively, you can also set up meetings and send calendar invites right from Google or Outlook calendar on your smartphone or laptop. This immediately gets reflected on the display outside the meeting room. You can see the booking status of each room and upcoming meetings on these screens in real-time. This includes a detailed description of the organizer, meeting agenda and list of invitees.
Colour Coding Schemes to Signal Room Availability
The LED-enabled meeting room tablet is a smart and fast way of communicating room availability, as you glide through the conference area looking for an appropriate room. Different colour shades (red, green or blue) will instantly tell you about room availability and make it easier for you to spot a vacant room quickly. This is also a great way to avoid meeting interruptions.
The Next-Gen Office Experience
The Veris meeting room display can easily integrate your company logo, background colour and brand elements and become an extension of your corporate culture. Impress clients and other stakeholders with such branding initiatives.
Managing Office Space with Efficiency
Real-time meeting room availability status allows you to plan and manage resources effectively. Additionally, the ‘start meeting’ and ‘end meeting’ buttons support resource optimisation. The ‘start meeting’ button initiates the meeting. With this, the display can detect and eliminate any unattended meetings, thereby freeing up space for the next meeting. So even if you’ve forgotten to inform the admin about a cancelled meeting, the display will do so on your behalf. It waits for a predefined amount of time and, in case a meeting is not initiated during this duration, the system cancels the meeting and shows the room as available. The ‘end meeting’ button lets you know that the room has become available again. So, the display can detect if a meeting ends early and marks the room as available for use. Say goodbye to problems like ‘ghost meetings’ or ‘double bookings’ with an intuitive and sophisticated display.
Centralized Control of all Displays 
From centrally downloading and upgrading applications to switching on/off displays at a particular time, all functions can be managed from a single mobile device. This ensures low energy utilization and tracks any downtimes.
Protection from Thefts and Espionage
Meeting rooms are places where key discussions take place. Not only do offices want to optimize meeting room resources, but also ensure the integrity of these rooms is kept intact to prevent security breaches. The Veris meeting room displays can be fitted with RFID or NFC cards, to add a double layer of protection. The rooms can then be accessed only by designated employees, protecting the infrastructure from theft or espionage. 
Flexibility in Scheduling 
In case meetings go for longer than anticipated, or ends quickly, the “extend meeting” or “end meeting” buttons on the display can help you communicate the changes promptly with the system. This also helps the admin department to track actual meeting room usage hours, rather than relying on booking timings. 
The Veris Meeting Room Display is an easy fit for your innovative business environment. It blends into your everyday workflow, making scheduling and conducting meetings a breeze. 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Veris Meeting Room Manager: Seamless Scheduling, Easy Booking and Continuous Optimization

Sometimes booking a meeting room on short notice could be a big hassle. There can be issues such as the availability of a right-sized meeting room or double bookings. To address all these concerns, for your ease, Veris has launched the Meeting Room Manager.
To know more visit-