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Monday, May 4, 2020

Our Custom-Built Meeting Room Display is Winning Hearts, Here's Why

Effective meetings are a culmination of many factors. The presence of the right people at the right time and in the right place might sound trivial. But imagine the number of manhours a company can lose if meetings are disrupted because of miscommunications. Modern meeting systems need to do more than just facilitating communication. It is all about hassle-free bookings and scoring a favourable first impression for your brand.
With our 10.1” multitouch and stylish meeting room displays, not only can you say goodbye to meeting room squatters and interrupted sessions, but also add sophistication and personality to your workplace conference area.
Booking Rooms Has Never Been So Easy
Fitted elegantly outside each meeting room, the Veris meeting room display system serve as booking kiosks to promptly set up ad-hoc meetings. Just enter your official email address, meeting duration and confirm. Alternatively, you can also set up meetings and send calendar invites right from Google or Outlook calendar on your smartphone or laptop. This immediately gets reflected on the display outside the meeting room. You can see the booking status of each room and upcoming meetings on these screens in real-time. This includes a detailed description of the organizer, meeting agenda and list of invitees.
Colour Coding Schemes to Signal Room Availability
The LED-enabled meeting room tablet is a smart and fast way of communicating room availability, as you glide through the conference area looking for an appropriate room. Different colour shades (red, green or blue) will instantly tell you about room availability and make it easier for you to spot a vacant room quickly. This is also a great way to avoid meeting interruptions.
The Next-Gen Office Experience
The Veris meeting room display can easily integrate your company logo, background colour and brand elements and become an extension of your corporate culture. Impress clients and other stakeholders with such branding initiatives.
Managing Office Space with Efficiency
Real-time meeting room availability status allows you to plan and manage resources effectively. Additionally, the ‘start meeting’ and ‘end meeting’ buttons support resource optimisation. The ‘start meeting’ button initiates the meeting. With this, the display can detect and eliminate any unattended meetings, thereby freeing up space for the next meeting. So even if you’ve forgotten to inform the admin about a cancelled meeting, the display will do so on your behalf. It waits for a predefined amount of time and, in case a meeting is not initiated during this duration, the system cancels the meeting and shows the room as available. The ‘end meeting’ button lets you know that the room has become available again. So, the display can detect if a meeting ends early and marks the room as available for use. Say goodbye to problems like ‘ghost meetings’ or ‘double bookings’ with an intuitive and sophisticated display.
Centralized Control of all Displays 
From centrally downloading and upgrading applications to switching on/off displays at a particular time, all functions can be managed from a single mobile device. This ensures low energy utilization and tracks any downtimes.
Protection from Thefts and Espionage
Meeting rooms are places where key discussions take place. Not only do offices want to optimize meeting room resources, but also ensure the integrity of these rooms is kept intact to prevent security breaches. The Veris meeting room displays can be fitted with RFID or NFC cards, to add a double layer of protection. The rooms can then be accessed only by designated employees, protecting the infrastructure from theft or espionage. 
Flexibility in Scheduling 
In case meetings go for longer than anticipated, or ends quickly, the “extend meeting” or “end meeting” buttons on the display can help you communicate the changes promptly with the system. This also helps the admin department to track actual meeting room usage hours, rather than relying on booking timings. 
The Veris Meeting Room Display is an easy fit for your innovative business environment. It blends into your everyday workflow, making scheduling and conducting meetings a breeze. 

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