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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Atithi Devo Bhava – Your Guest is Your God. Do You Give Your Guest the Welcome they Deserve?

The ancient Indian tradition of treating the guest as a God has remained relevant, irrespective of the major technological and cultural shifts the nation has seen. The phrase, “Atithi Devo Bhavah,” has taken on different avatars over time, but the core principle remains the same. The guest is a much awaited and welcome person, their needs are to be met meticulously and we need to do everything in our power to make their visit a memorable one.
Welcoming guests to your office isn’t any different. When a visitor enters your office premises, what they see and experience form their first impression of your organization. Whether it is your clients, job candidates or business associates, positive experiences are the steppingstones to long-lasting business relationships. It also sets your organization apart from the rest, if you welcome your guest as valuable visitors.
To give such a red-carpet welcome to your valued atithi, all you need to do is implement a simple, smart and intuitive visitor management system. Veris can help transform your workspaces, to provide your visitors the welcome they deserve.
Hassle-Free Registration Process
Impress your visitors with super-fast self-service check-in kiosks at the reception, so that they don’t have to depend on a receptionist to manually log in their details. No matter how specific the company is about greeting visitors, receptionists are often overloaded and unable to address visitor queries promptly. With the kiosks in place, receptionists would become free to address all questions, with a smile.
All key visitor details, such as name, address, photo ID, etc., will be captured by the system, leaving the receptionist free to receive guests warmly. Instead of asking visitors to fill in manual log books, a self-serve digitized access system, customized with your company logo, color theme and more, will create just the right brand experience, enabling a favourable first impression.
Avoid Long Queues at Security Checks 
With the Veris system, you can pre-register guests and simply send them an automatic QR code-based message or email, complete with the GPS coordinates, parking instructions and meeting room numbers. Invites can be easily created from Google Suite, Outlook Calendar or any other scheduler you already use. This includes sending out bulk invites to attendees of conferences, seminars or any other office events.
This enables visitors to avoid long queues at the security check points, where traditionally they would have been asked to manually enter extensive details into a log book. The system remembers returning guests, making the registration process faster and smoother every time. Visitor badges can be pre-printed for invited visitors, allowing easy authentication and fast check-outs.
Instant Notifications to Hosts
No matter how comfortable or inviting your office lobby is, visitors would want to spend as little time there as possible. Also, they certainly won’t appreciate if the host makes them wait for too long or totally forgets about them. The Veris visitor management system instantly sends notifications via email, app notifications and mobile messages to the host, as soon as their visitor checks in. They can immediately notify the receptionist, in case a delay is expected or send a message directly to the guest, asking them to proceed in.
Visitor Verification via Facial Recognition Technology
Facial recognition-based authentication allows greater efficiency and security in the registration process. Employees’ attendance can also be facilitated through the use of facial recognition. This technology can also be used to red flag or blacklist certain people. This ensures that unwanted or uninvited people are not granted access to the office premises at any cost.
Welcome Guests in a Highly Secure Environment
Empower your admin and security staff to comprehensively track each visitor within the premises in real time. With a centralized dashboard, they can see how many visitors have signed in, signed out and the names of the people they met, even within a sprawling office area. In case a visitor overstays their welcome, the system generates an alarm to notify the security staff. The system supports the creation of blacklists and firelists, so that specific people can be barred from entering and evacuation processes can be carried out quickly and efficiently during emergencies.
The Veris visitor management solution not only ensures a red-carpet welcome for visitors but also educates your organization about various loopholes and inefficiencies. With comprehensive, yet understandable, analytics and reports generated by the system, you can anticipate common visitor needs, peak visitor hours and other metrics to optimize resource utilization too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information, truMe has revolutionized the Touchless attendance management system by doing away with the hardware and using the ubiquitous mobile phone to make it a pleasant experience. An organization can start using truMe Attendance Management System instantly by registering online.
