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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Importance of Conference Booking Software

Just about everything seems to be going digital in this day & age, and it should be no different inside your business. We are living in an increasingly paperless world & adapting the way to schedule a conference room is one of the best ways to take full advantage of this digital age. Scheduling conference rooms with the old methods is a wastage of time & energy which can be used for more useful pursuits. The meeting room booking system is just one of the many disciplines under the Facilities Management umbrella. The effectiveness of conference room management has a direct impact on the overall performance & financial standing of the organization.
From cost savings to service perception, it is vital the meeting rooms, conference rooms & other publicly available spaces are managed resourcefully. Understanding how the rooms & spaces are used & whether they are used efficiently is the key to saving money by maximizing spaces. Some of the common issues faced by Facilities Managers when managing meeting rooms include –
  • Double Bookings
  • Over Booking Resources
  • Manual Error
  • No-Shows
  • Client Visibility
  • Utilisation Visibility
  • Cross-Department Coordination or Communication
These common issues have a direct impact organization & can lead to negative perceptions of the services provided by the Facilities Department. Thus, the modern meeting room booking systems or conference room scheduling solutions by Veris are designed to tackle all such issues, by providing the efficient & validated software solution for the ease of organizations.
Why conference room scheduling software?
Many departments still operate on using a paper-based, spreadsheet, and other similar ad-hoc methods. It is highly unlikely that such approaches will offer any real benefit to the organization. Specialist meeting room booking systems provide a series of advanced tools intended for the industry to help streamline operations & communication between clients & various departments, providing a smooth & constant service.
Web-based client-facing room booking systems offer a window into Facilities Management operations, instantly preventing double bookings, enable clients to review room availability, or duplicate the booking requests. The whole meeting room booking process can be carried out online, thus, freeing resources of back-office staff which would normally manually process bookings. Said resources can then re-focus on various other key areas of service.
For complex booking processes, integrated, or standalone room booking software is the perfect partner. Often supporting the wide range of configuration options, you can control the booking processes & enforce limitations, ensuring that the bookings are made, confirmed, amended, or canceled in the controlled environment.
With the good quality system in place & structured information going in, you can get the valuable information out. As you will expect, most of the conference room booking systems provide a series of reports which will help you to answer the questions provided above & more. This fact-based information can help you refine the procedure to streamline operations, maximize room usage, and save money.
Thus, give a try to the conference room booking system by Veris and see firsthand how our company’s software will improve how you do business.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

5 Signs Your Visitor Management System Isn’t Getting the Job Done

Is your visitor management system not getting the job done? Are you looking for a better visitor management solution? We, at Veris, provides the best office automation solution for smooth and seamless visitor operations.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Businesses Need to Keep Employees Happy. Here’s Why

Employees have a major role to play in the success of any organization and therefore we need to keep them happy, engaged as well as satisfied by, say, appreciating their hard work and accomplishments, responding to their feedback and deploying technology-enabled tools to ease their work. With Veris visitor management system and meeting room manager, you can eliminate your employees' mundane tasks and can provide a red carpet welcome to your guests.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Meeting Room Management System for Modern Workplace

Every company has things they struggle with, but the universal issue which plagues numerous companies is inefficiencies surrounding booking meeting rooms. Think about it – how much time do you & your employees spend booking meetings & communicating details, only to walk over to room you booked to see another meeting taking place?
Not only do meeting inefficiencies waste time, but they also waste money. An estimated 37 billion dollars is spent on unproductive meetings. Luckily, there is the solution—one that seamlessly integrates into your office in order that you can cut down on the time and effort spent booking meetings. With the meeting room scheduling system, there are various benefits that you can gain right off the bat. Below, we discuss some of the main advantages of having a conference room booking system to manage your meeting rooms.
Eliminate Conflicts & Double-Booking Automatically
The proper room booking system will mechanically detect & prevent users from booking rooms which already have meetings. This pre-emptive method of detection & prevention eliminates the majority of office productivity correlated problem of having to find the vacant room.
Coordination of Services
The meeting room booking system permits staff to request services like man-power for the setup of space, catering & resources such as A/V, conferencing units & computers along with room reservation. This offers a single interface where all meeting-related activities can be tracked. Changes to the meeting timings & room location are seamlessly transmitted to numerous parties involved. This can be a serious time-saver & a confidence booster for meeting requestors while simplifying the life of resources & catering team.
Track and Monitor Visitors
Tracking & monitoring visitors can be key to improving customer service but without accurate data, it can be complicated to identify if there are any flaws in your customer service. Meeting room reporting can track visitors to your building on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis & analyze business peaks to make sure which customer wait time is minimized & there are sufficient staff members available. With a long-term reporting solution, you will also have access to historical data to see if your organization is performing better year-on-year, or to prepare for upcoming events.
In a modern office, it is imperative to have the meeting room booking system that replaces more manual techniques of room reservations. With a proper meeting room booking system in place, offices can see vital improvement in productivity, morale while experiencing better use of office space. Business rules & policies can help make rooms available to individuals who need it. Various methods of interacting with the system can address the needs of staff that are desk-bound or on the move. Veris offers the best and high-quality conference room scheduling software which helps you to manage your meetings accordingly. With our meeting room scheduler, you are able to track and monitor all your meetings.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

One Day in the Life of an IT Head

In any organization, the role of an IT head is always challenging. From deciding the best suitable technology for his/her organization to keeping the data safe and secure. Data is a powerful resource that can have a huge impact on your business. To make it easy and secure, Veris visitor management system is the best solution you can go for.

Friday, June 19, 2020

3 Steps to pandemic-proof your workplace, inside-out

In this pandemic, WHO and other global authorities have released certain guidelines to safeguard the workplace. For this Veris have come up with 3 simple ways: You need to first do a pandemic-proofing audit and then come up with a touchless staff attendance solution, visitor check-in, and visitor management. To know why? visit:

5 Key Benefits of Visitor Sign-in Software that Transform Your Business

Visitors are an essential part of any organization for achieving its missions & goals. Even workplaces that ‘don't receive visitors receive plenty of them. Consider the service person, pizza delivery boy, the important other coming for lunch, & random person dropping in to pick up a job application. Frequently, we recognize that visitors are some of the most important people – the manager from the office, high-priority client, and guests coming for some promotional event.

Every person, from corporate bigwig to parcel delivery service, should be greeted & have their business attended to. The visitor management system will make this process smooth & secure for both visitors and organizations. Some other benefits if visitor sign-in software are –
Professional First Impressions
‘You only get one opportunity to make your first impression lasts’. This rings particularly true for the organizations that pride themselves for offering memorable & unique experiences. Regardless of the organization size, their approach for how they manage their visitors is a superior suggestion of their interest in offering a positive on-site experience. Veris offers reception to sign in-app in India for a professional impression. Our fortune thousands of clients appreciate that the opportunity to demonstrate innovation is the best opportunity to offer an uplifting experience.
Visibility and accountability
Modern visitor check-in software allows you to identify anybody who is in your building at any given time. In addition, most of the electronic visitor management systems will give your staff the ability to detail & study a variety of visitor patterns.
Reinforced Branding
Most modern Visitor access control solutions provide your clients with the opportunity to strengthen their branding in front-end solutions. Hardware devices can be customized to display organization colors, logos can be uploaded to front-end of visitor management solution & screensaver rolls can be designed to match with their brand guidelines. These are just some options available to organizations that want to fully integrate the Visitor Management solution.
Embracing Paperless
Traditional visitor management procedure finds it very difficult, almost not possible to create & maintain GDPR-compliant reception detail. With the over-reliance on paper-based reporting, traditional procedures need multiple hours of administrative labor & large quantities of paper to make sure third-party data is stored, filed & secured safely. With modern Visitor Management solutions by Veris, the reliance on the paper is completely eliminated as visitor details are stored, filed, and easily accessed in the solutions back-office.
Increased Productivity
In line with what was mentioned in “Increased Office Efficiency” groups & large parties can be pre-registered in back-office prior to the arrival on-site. Once pre-registered, individuals can also streamline their on-site check-in experience to simply inputting their reference details before alerting their host of arrival. The self-service check-in options are beneficial to visitors & other third-parties. 
With all such benefits the digital visitor management system has to offer, it is clear why various organizations are giving them a try. Businesses of all types, from manufacturing to sales, and schools use them to make sure their guests are welcomed, are where they are supposed to be, & walk away with a great impression of the organization. In the end, the goal of visitor management by Veris is to do exactly that – to help guests do what they are supposed to do & meet who they are supposed to meet as effectively, quickly, securely, & professionally as possible.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Do You Have the Power of Real-Time Data Analytics?

We interact with brands today across multiple channels. Think telephones, emails, apps, social media, surveys, and more. Data explosion is real, thanks to rapid advancements in mobile technology and internet connectivity. IDC says that by 2025, worldwide data generation will grow to 175 zettabytes. Do you know how much that is? If each terabyte in a zettabyte was equivalent to a kilometer, that would mean 1,300 round trips to the moon (768,800 kilometers)!
Big data analytics has been around for years now. Businesses gather information, sift through, and analyze it to make critical decisions. They now have a way to delve into the whims and fancies of their customers, for product and service innovations. It also helps them increase work productivity and gain a competitive advantage. Not only is data analytics critical, but the quality of data is important too. Indeed, the average financial cost of poor quality data analysis for organizations has been estimated at $15 million per year
When we talk about data quality, terms like accuracy, reliability, consistency, and granularity comes to our mind. But, apart from those characteristics, a new aspect is becoming increasingly important: data analysis in real-time.

Importance of Real-Time Data Analytics

Big data is a massive arena. Not all information gathered is valuable for your company. To make it faster and more accurate, companies are now relying on real-time data analytics. This means systems that process and analyze information that was fed instantaneously, to generate meaningful information.
With access to real-time data analytics, companies can not just respond quickly to changing customer needs and preferences, they can change their offerings and marketing campaigns in response to the changing environment. Real-time analytics also means that problems can be identified early and corrective action can be implemented before things worsen. In addition, such data has also been found to improve customer services, by allowing employees immediate access to customer information. Real-time analytics is also great for top management to get a clear view of the business, whenever they need it. It also helps improve operational efficiency.
One of the key advantages of real-time data analytics is that is can help keep employees motivated. When employees can see where things are going wrong in real-time, they can correct their course of action immediately, achieving better performance and outcomes. 
The up-to-the-minute customer data, including their demographics, purchase history and preferences, help make quicker business decisions. Sales and customer-support dashboards can be instantly refreshed to provide enhanced customer experiences. It saves time, cost, and energy and can keep you one step ahead of the competition.
The Veris platform is also based on real-time analysis of employee and visitor information. Let’s see how.

Active Directory Integration 

Large companies have employees joining and leaving all the time. This often creates confusion. For example, a receptionist tries to reach an employee for parcel delivery, only to find out that they no longer work for the company. Consider a visitor trying to find the host on the visitormanagement software, and unable to do so because he or she is a new employee.
To avoid such embarrassment and waste of time, we have made it possible for our software to be integrated with the active directory, a real-time record of employees maintained by the HR department. This means that as soon as an employee joins or leaves the company, the visitor management software is upgraded instantaneously. This is useful in a huge number of scenarios:
·       Organizing Meetings: No longer will a team head invite unwanted people to meetings. Some employees may be on leave or some shifted to a different branch. 
·       Emergency Notifications: In times of crisis, security teams and emergency responders will have accurate lists of people in the building. The Veris system can send emergency notifications to these people accordingly. 
·       Awkward Mornings: A new employee will not be left stranded in the reception area, unable to log in. In such cases, they typically contact the HR personnel, one of whom asks the receptionist to let them enter. This is especially embarrassing in offices where there is an access-based entry. This can create a negative image of a brand for a new employee.
·       Accurate Data Analysis: You can rest assured that all data analysis is done by the Veris system, whether it is meeting room usage, visitor data analysis or employee attendance records is being done accurately, based on the actual number of employees in the office.
When done in real-time, data analytics provides a whole new paradigm in improving operational efficiency and keeping employees motivated. This leads to faster results and happy customers.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Looking for a mesmerizing meeting experience?

Our intuitively designed offering 'Veris Rooms'
Allows you to schedule meetings right from your Outlook or Google calendar, Instantly view booking status on our specialized best-in-class meeting room displays and track usage on our real-time dashboard.

Integrate with your calendar
Schedule meetings right from your daily use Outlook or Gsuite Calendar, saving time and raising efficiency.

Prevent 'no-show' Meetings
Prevent ghost no-show meetings with Check-in functionality which enables hosts to start the booking.

Book through the Display
Schedule Ad-hoc meetings by booking rooms directly from the display placed outside rooms. 

Custom-built Display
Choose our specialized LED enabled hardware which comes with a 5-year warranty and supports POE and NFC.

Track & optimize room usage
View real-time centralized reports and analytics, Ensure better space utilization. 

Integrate with 'Veris Visitors'
Schedule meetings, book the desired meeting rooms, and pre-invite all external guests in one go. 

A visitor arrives at your office premises and goes to the reception. The visitor is asked to enter his details and details of the person he has come to meet. The receptionist tries to call the executive and informs of the visitor’s arrival. The executive asks the receptionist to send the visitor to meeting room A.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

5 Things CTOs Must Do to Build Agile Teams

For any organization to survive and grow, agility in business is something that needs to be there. Like, we at Veris, known for the best office automation solution, in this challenging situation came up with Covid-19 ready visitor management system.
For creating an agile business CTOs could start with five main elements including- Encouraging Office Automation.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Meeting Room Scheduler

Veris meeting room booking system, suitable for businesses of all sizes, helps you manage and schedule your meetings without any hassle. Our meeting room scheduler helps you book your conference room via outlook or G-suite calendar.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Veris Covid-19 Offerings

Veris being the pioneer in visitor management system is always there to help you with the best office automation solutions. Our touchless visitor management system with advanced COVID-19 screening helps you protect your premises from this global pandemic.

To know more watch: Veris Covid-19 Offerings