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Friday, December 20, 2019

Challenging Role of Electronic Visitor Registration App in Certain Premises

Do you know that your fellow visitors visiting at your premises can also be unsafe under various circumstances! Thus, you should be warned in any case. Nos, the top question is 'how'? How can you safeguard your premises from unwanted visitors? Are you sure that the place where you are living and working is finally protected? Well! There are many questions but the answer is only the one & hi-tech equipment that can finally solve all your queries that is known as the visitor management system.
Electronic visitor management system, a computer-based application that manages a large number of visitors in premises. Modern systems are technology-driven mechanics and smart visitor management system India. It functions in the combination with a high-resolution web camera. The software offers the ability to check appointments, iPad receptionist app, enhance the pace of safety screening at numerous access points & determine the time spent by visitor inside your premises.
Front desk check-in the software works in tandem with numerous hardware devices such as bar code scanner, fingerprint scanner, & printers. No matter, whether your premises are small or large, it is highly suggested that you install VMS software not only to keep a proper track of your visitors but also to boost the safety level in your business organization. Simply, visitor management is all about controlling your premises access & knowing who is in the building, at what time & for how long. Using the visitor sign-in software can rapidly & efficiently keep the wrong people out of your premises & the right people in. This software also reduces the risk of corporate theft. In addition to this, there are some other benefits of relying on the visitor management system, such as –
·         Eliminates the Need of Receptionist - Are you paying more for your receptionist an amount which you can otherwise save using the digital way for receptionist way? With the powerful assistance of electronic visitor management system India offered by Veris, you'll be adopting the digital, quick & an easily manageable way to keep a proper record of your visitors who've visited your premises. Also, it is the great approach as you can get all the necessary details of your visitors even after years.
·         Enhance Your Visitor Security - With the advance visitor management system, you can instantaneously print your customer visitor badges with names & photos. In addition, you have a proper visitor log so you always see who was in your premises. This immediately enhances your security.
·         Go Paperless - How much have you been spending on you visitor logs on a yearly basis? There is a way to save this money. You should adopt the advanced digital way to keep a record of your visitors and save all the money.
There are ‘n’ numbers of reasons why this digital way to maintain the records of the visitors is the need of the hour. Thus, opt for the powerful visitor management system offered by Veris and enhance the security of your premises.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Enough with Your Old Security System! Try the Newest Electronic Visitor Management Solution.

Think forward now! Rely on a different security system for your office premises for better security & safety. Scribbling in a sheet of paper is not safe. You may come across numerous troublesome circumstances; thus, better go for an advancement visitor identification software. Do you actually feel secure while staying at your premises using the pen & paper security system? Or perhaps you don’t want to alter the security management software for your building only because you are anxious about some extra expenditures?
Well, an electronic visitor management system is a computer-based application that manages a large number of visitors in an arena. It also acts as the best reception management software for a particular business firm. Modern systems are cutting-edge & technology-driven mechanics. They function in combination with a high-resolution web camera. There is an access control system reception signin-app that offers the ability to check your appointments, determine time spent by the particular visitor in your premises, and boost the pace of safety screening. The software works in tandem with an array of hardware devices such as bar code scanner, fingerprint scanner, & printers. No matter whether your business agency is small or large, this visitor management software is highly recommended. You can install this software not only to keep a proper track of the visitors but also to boost the level of safety in your business firm.

Well! Too Many Advantages of Electronic Management System

  • Easy Installation

While installing the electronic visitor management system, you don’t even require additional hardware & software systems. It is just the visitor management system & the computer, and you are done with a secured system. It also serves individuals with less wiring details and can be easily managed.
  • 'Buddy Punching' is not Possible

An electronic visitor management system provides the facility of front desk check-in software. The software also captures the facial patterns for authentication purposes. And, it is the system which does not allow the punching of a sensor or so that helps in getting rid of buddy punching threat.
  • Saves Productive Time of Business

While using the electronic visitor management system, you do not have to worry about time. The visitor management software is a very fast device. The software takes less than 10 seconds to identify the visitors. Thus, it saves the precious time of businesses that can be contributed to the productive work of the business firm.
  • Electronic Database Facility

Oh! Now protection of your essential data becomes easy. As the electronic visitor management system helps to maintain a proper electronic database in your system. It facilitates storing the large amount of data safely. And, whenever this data is accessed and stored by the system, it hits the database of the computer directly.
  • Additional Security

An electronic visitor management software is integrated with an alarm facility. An alarm is set, which is depending on the priority ranking of people. The alarm blows to alert you in the arena when the lower priority individual re-visits your premise.

The Bottom Line
These are some foremost reasons why you need to switch to an electronic visitor management system for your premises. When relying on the program, go for one, which is easy to use & can be easily integrated with your other systems. And remember to get it from a trustworthy software company. If looking for a trustworthy ElectronicVisitor Management Software, you should get it from Veris. Veris is a simple yet powerful solution that fits for a variety of consumers. Whether the high-security facility or small business, Veris visitor management system can be tailored to fit your requirements.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reasons Why You Should Opt for Automated Visitor Management Systems | Veris

Traditionally, businesses have maintained paper-based registers and paper logbooks. All such systems are inefficient, resource-intensive, slow, unreliable, prone to manipulation, and complex to use as the visitors are necessary to write their essential information on the particular registers. Such logs are tedious tasks. With the incoming advancements in modern technology, paper logbooks become increasingly obsolescent and replace with the automated visitor management system.
As business complexities rise, the security levels have also improved in numerous facilities. VMS software can help businesses to improve all the aspects of the visitor experience. From greeting them to their departure ‘Bye’. Welcoming guests is the key aspect to the success of any business firm. However, it does not mean sacrificing the safety of your organization. A visitor tracking system will help you to effectively and efficiently welcome your guests while maintaining the full control over the aspects like who accesses the facility, what modes of your facilities that your visitors are able to access, and how long a visitor stays in your organization. Veris is the future of paperless visitor management system India. Here are some reasons why you should opt for the visitor management system from Veris –
  • Quick Log in of Visitors
An electronic visitor management system will be capable of processing the entries instantly without any need to maintain the manual entries, and you can get a quick visit to check-in software. It is very useful for hosting events and seminars that would see high folks. Employees have their own visitors that are previously registered, and this helps to avoid the complex registration process.
  • Easy Records Creations
Data of all visitors have been stored within the system, and it can be accessed anytime. And, this data can be further used to generate reports and analyze the visitor’s action.
  •  Enhanced Security
The visitor’s management system, along with the receptionist app, eliminates the possibility of errors that occur at the time of filling essential details. It also permits selective access in order that your visitors only access those departments or facilities which are related to their domain.
  • Register Multiple Visitors
You can register multiple users simultaneously into your visitor management system. It is useful when your business is hosting the large scale professional summits or meetings.
  • Assure the Confidentiality of Private Information
With VMS software, your customer's personal information will be completely secured in your visitor logbook and can’t be accessed by any unauthorized person.
  • Builds Professional Credibility
It not only improve security but enriches a great professional image of your business among visitors. VMS system attracts ‘n’ numbers of business opportunities as you now become a trusted & secure business. In addition, VMS helps to convey a great sense of proficiency among those visitors who able to use your VMS facility.
  • Returning Visitors are Recognized Immediately.
All visitor’s data is saved in your VMS system. VMS permits the returning visitors to be signed in a little time & effort as the system has all their registered information already stored in it.
Thus, it's time to replace your business’s shabby old log book with a modern and useful Visitor Management system.

Monday, July 1, 2019

How a visitor management system saves money?

Offices are still using conventional log books to keep a track of visiting entities in their facilities but the question is how do you leverage the use of advanced visitor management technology to secure the premises and at the same time ensure utmost productivity and save money.

1.Reduced Labour Cost: As a conventional practice you would hire someone to sit at the reception and take note of who’s coming in and can cost a huge amount of money to an organization and if you get a large number of visitors, you’ll need to hire more people to sit at the desk, but if you have a smart self check-in kiosk in place then your visitors can self check-in and at the same time your staff could do more productive work.

2.Less time searching for records and more time for productivity: In case of finding a single record of entry, you will end up sifting through piles of papers just to search for information of that one visitor. Visitor management system records the data of each and every visitor, allowing for fast and convenient visitor tracking.

3.Less visitor interruption: Employee who sits closest to the door from where your visitors walk into the premises is most affected by an interruption from visitors. According to a research done by The New York Times, once interrupted people take 25 to 30 minutes to get back into the task, which means if a person is interrupted once in a day, he or she loses an average of 2.5 hours of productivity a week. Eliminating these interruptions can boost productivity, hence save your money.

4. Eliminate the use of paper: One of the biggest reasons why organisations are perceiving the idea of having a smart visitor management is because visitor sign-in sheets and logbooks account for 60% of the number of consumable office supplies. Eliminating the use of paper can save a lot of money for your organization. Veris visitor management system comes with smart e-badges for visitors, guests and employees to completely eliminate the use of papers, which is not only helping organisations to save money but making them greener with each check-in without using paper.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Benefits Of Digital Log Book

Digital visitor logbook or a visitor management system, unlike the physical one, is designed to impose security and smoothen certain processes and favour customizability and security. Unlike a physical log book, a digital one cannot be stolen and the pages cannot be torn vis-a-vis a log book that can be stolen or damaged.

When it comes to saving papers and supporting environmental causes, there is nothing like a digital visitor management system which enables your employees and visitors to use e-badges especially designed to suit your organisational workflows, and every check-in done by visitors, employees, vendors, guests, etc is stored on a cloud and not only it helps you to keep a digital I.D but enable your organisation to be more environmentally friendly.

When you have such a smart visitor management system installed on your premises, you notice the same staff who were keeping an eye on physical logbooks are now indulging themselves in more meaningful tasks.

A digital visitor management system not only verifies visitor information but also keeps a check on things your visitors are carrying into your premises. A modern-day visitor management system such as offered by Veris has the possibility to extend services by attached modules like delivery management, event module, conference room manager, 3P attendance etc.

Features like capturing the photographs of visitors and verification of details such as phone number with an OTP only comes with a digital logbook and any premise concerning the security should install such a system. Today’s digital workplaces surely need a system like this!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Things To Consider Before Investing In a Visitor Management System

There could be multiple factors for evaluating a visitor management system for your office or premises but there are a few which absolutely cannot be ignored!

Cost Effective
It is an obvious evaluation parameter for most technology deployed. However, only a few companies are able to sell you technology that pays for itself in the long run. Veris, for instance, is a visitor management system that ensures productivity centric savings which are more than the actual cost of the software itself!

Fast and easy installation
Any visitor management system you are looking to install at your organisation should be easy to install and fast to configure. In our experience of many years in the tech adoption space, we have seen many companies fail in the IT evaluation due to the mare complexity of its deployment!

Secure and reliable
Well, for most organisations the idea of deploying a smart visitor management system is coupled with the idea of enhanced on-premises security.  Externalities like intermittent internet coverage should affect the software’s functionality. Veris visitor management system comes with an offline mode and works seamlessly even without internet. As soon as your internet is back, it syncs all the offline activities in a couple of seconds without a glitch.
The software has cleared Vulnerability & Penetrations Tests (VAPT) and has been approved by IT teams of Fortune 500 companies. Modern-day visitor management systems allow you to integrate with other third-party applications for specific needs, such as access controls/ safety trackers/ CRMs etc.

Select a product that allows you to customize in-built features like appearances, fields to be filled by visitors, greeting messages and other important things. It should be capable of tracking each visitor, employees and securing their information as well as impress them with its robust and smart design and this is one of the greatest factors why organisations opt for installing a visitor management system apart from security.

Access data anywhere
A software suite which allows you to monitor all the check-in activities on the go, and allows you to make any change in workflows from anywhere in the world, that is the true power of having a cloud-based visitor management system which enables you to fly high with an eye of a hawk.

Evicts use of paper
Last but not the least, a system which enables your organisation to be friendly towards the environment, modern day visitor management systems have alternatives for check-in processes, such as pre-invite through SMS or email, web-based check-in, QR code scan check-in. Not only it digitizes your organisation but also enables you to go green.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Need of Smart Visitor Management System

Creating a secure environment for employees
Companies are looking to attract the best talent and to retain them. Organisations are attempting to attract the best employees with appealing modern work spaces and top-tier amenities to let them fall in love with the culture and environment. One of the most important aspects where companies are now looking to invest is towards their employee security and convenience, yes they do provide handsome health packages and compensatory perks but more and more organisation are looking at offering an ease of collaboration, taking away mundane activities from their jobs, automating them and replacing that time with options for recreational activities and added productivity.

Cost-effective visitor management solution
We should all know by now that safety & convenience is an important factor in optimizing performance at work. Organisations hire a small army of guards to optimise facility security but when it comes to everyday visitor verification, they still depend on conventional logbooks, while on the other hand many organisations have upgraded their visitor management system and taken it to the next level of digitization of visitor management. Companies like Veris are now building smart visitor management solutions in order to make any facility, the safest facility. But it doesn't just stop there. It also allows your receptionist to free-up for greeting, meeting & treating the visitor instead of being involved in the process of capturing details and coordinating with the host employee. On the other hand, the employees are also relieved of unnecessary visitor disturbances and calls from the reception. Veris also allows two-way communication between the visitor and the employee completely eliminating the need for human intervention. A win-win scenario for all involved!

Need to upgrade from a conventional visitor solution
This is starting to be a higher priority in workplace design and In order for businesses to better manage themselves, communicate, and share ideas, the information must flow outside of traditional hierarchal structures like conventional log books which is an outdated visitor solution but unfortunately being employed by a number of organisations.

The new art of visitor management
Digital Transformation might sound like a fad, but is very much a high priority for new age organisations driven by technology innovation and adoption.  Organisations concerned for their employees and assets are increasingly embracing this new approach to visitor management as it benefits the entire eco-system: Visitors, Employees, Admins and the management!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Choosing the right front-desk sign-in app

You might have already built a list of softwares, best suited for your business in order to make your workplace a smart one!
The first step toward moving forward in this direction is to start with a smart front-desk sign-in app and other hardware that fits your reception area. The good news comes with Veris!
The best part is it doesn’t need much hardware. The visitor is greeted by a suave looking iPad or tablet wherein the visitor can check-in by filling all relevant details further to automatically print a badge with a connected printer. The iPad looks premium, it adds value to your brand and works significantly for your brand perception.

The functionality of the front-desk sign-in app.
Functionality is the primary goal of any software and perception is second. Veris is a renowned name in the facility management industry, well known for the front-desk sign-in app it provides!

One of the reasons why organisations are perceiving the idea of front-desk sign-in apps is that it complements the tasks of a receptionist and allows visitors to experience a hassle-free check-in experience.

Security Features of a Front-desk sign-in app.
Different security measures are employed by organisations to tackle the different requirements like, data security, female employee security, facility security, etc but accomplishing all of that from one measure was a major challenge. A critical feature of the sign-in app is to give you the leverage of tracking the location of your visitors in your premise real-time. It also allows you to search, sort, analyze, and retrieve visitor’s data at any given time.

Now the one which is developed by Veris has features like visitor verification, two-way communication between host and visitor, female employee tracking, which certainly makes it more than just a check-in app.

Such lucrative security and brand enhancement features make it demanding between innovative organisations, which are looking for a smart and safe environment for their business and people.

Admin dashboard of Front-desk sign-in app
The admin person of the sign-in app is provided with a customizable dashboard, from there admin can add customizable fields to be filled by visitors, download visitor data, invite people, configure venues, etc which makes it compatible to almost any organisation.

Unfortunately, some organisations are still dependent on conventional log books and it seems like data security, safer environment for employees and hassle-free facility management are not their concern.

Replace the dull paper logbook and manual processes with Veris sign-in app: a highly configurable, self-service app suite that is trusted by establishments worldwide!