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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Electronic Visitor Management System

Organizations are looking for innovative & environmentally friendly technologies to empower employees, visitors and all other stakeholders interacting with their business. The main goal is to remove friction from an ongoing process. Many organisations while on this inside adopt the most advanced technology to digitally transform their workplace; yet they many times completely overlook the need of technology to transform the very first interaction point- their lobby! Using conventional log books has its list of negative impacts. Impression, perception, security, data management, compliance, productivity…. all these possible spheres that can be hit if an electronic visitor management system is not in place. 

Why Electronic Visitor Management System?
Now to understand why an electronic visitor management system is important, let's have a look at the functionalities one could never get through with the boring log book:
• Capture authentic visitor data with pictures
• Your branding and Theme on the self-seviced kiosk
• A sleek iPad to replace the dusty logbook
• Guest Wi-Fi provisioning
• Active Directory/HRMS Integration
• Real-time Dashboards with Advanced Analytics
• GDPR Enabler
• Calendar Integration
• Bulk Invites
• and what not!

Every visitor is supposed to enter some details while checking in at the reception and that could vary for different organizations. Let's talk about the conventional log book, you got your new log book printed for visitors to check in, the next day you realize that you may need few more of their details but since it's already printed, it cannot be edited but you always have the option to get another log book for your office, well an electronic visitor management system has an admin dashboard and you could add more fields at any time and even edit the existing ones. In other words, it's very easy to customize as per the changing needs.

The biggest application an electronic visitor management system has found is for multi-tenant buildings, basically a building with various number of companies working with respective processes on different floors and they have a single reception where their respective visitors register first and since the conventional log book is not dynamic so the visitor has to register again after reaching the designated company in the building which is ambiguous and frustrating for both visitor and staff, but now it is changing since an electronic visitor management is dynamic and visitors can select the designated company from the list in the tablet placed at the reception itself and proceed with check-in for the respective company that prevents the need of registering again.

That is the biggest win offered by an electronic visitor management system
• Long queues for the visitors to register
• Security Breaches
• Unattended reception
• Hassled receptionist
• Paper wastage
The innovative electronic visitor management system is not only a smart device but also serves a great purpose for delighting your visitors. Not only it helps in ensuring the security of your office and staff but at the same time takes care of visitors and ease them with higher mobility by printing nice looking badges with their information on it and directs them to the exact department with no hassle to check-in again.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Visitor Management System for Schools

We always take a good care of our kids at home and want to ensure their highest level of security everywhere. When our kids go to school then it becomes school’s responsibility to ensure their well being but some incidents occurred recently put a question mark, on how secure today's schools are and when we are sending our kids to school, are we trusting the right people with our child. When it comes to visitor management system for schools, they are still using conventional forms of it i.e. a log book and a pen and whoever comes to these schools can easily fool the authorities with wrong information and later on after committing crime, run off the school premises and leaves no trace to track, would you really rely your child’s security on a notebook and a pen.

Why Employ visitor management system for schools
There are multiple reasons but in order to simplify it, let’s consider a scenario and find out if a visitor management system was installed, how that would have helped and even avoided such situation:

A fake Service Provider enters into school building: Cases of kidnapping are common in many countries and a country like India is already on the hot list, suppose an unknown person comes to your school with a bad intention of kidnapping a kid, he comes to your school reception and enters his name, phone number, address and moves on and these details that were supposed to be authentic are surely falsified, now he moves on and does whatever he came for and later on when school finds out about this, they rush to the same log book entry, Ask the receptionist or guards to recollect what he looked like, These front desk personnel; with the multitude of their responsibilities surely don’t focus on every face; and alas… the inefficiency leads to a dead end! This is a situation of high vulnerability, both for the child and his/ her family and for the school that has its reputation on-line!

If a Visitor management system for schools would be employed at your reception then as soon as a person arrives at your reception it will require you to enter a name then, he would need to enter his mobile number and an OTP would be sent instantly to authenticate the mobile number, and no one will be able to not falsify that. After that he would be asked to show his government I.D so that visitor management software installed on iPad could take a picture and after that his current picture would be taken and then he would be given a temporary I.D card with all the details on it. Only then would he be allowed to proceed. Visitor management systems for school s have a dashboard for admins that provides the details about every entry made. For instance, Veris; India’s leading visitor management tool allows all visitor entries to be saved on the Veris cloud; so, it can be retrieved effortlessly without the effort of managing registers. Veris allows data management with smooth analytics and real-time reports of all visitor movement. Any bad incident can be avoided and tracked with authentic information.

Installation of visitor management system for school
You would be surprised to see that how easy it is to install such a smart and innovative visitor management system at your school’s reception, a cloud based smart visitor management system as offered by Veris comes with great compatibility and customization that would keep your reception free from registers. You would only have to keep a Tablet on your reception that would be connected to a small printer to print QR code enabled badges for visitors and all the information would be saved on cloud directly that would be accessible to you on through any desktop. It’s a simple, hassle free visitor management system for school which is ideal to improve your commitment towards ensuring your responsibilities to those vulnerable kids and to their parents.

Benefit of installing visitor management system for school
You will be enjoying countless benefits from installing visitor management system at your school,
1. Your school image will improve.
2. Your commitment for security at your school premises will be enhanced.
3. Parents could easily rely on your school security for their children.
4. You will be able to stand out from other schools those which are not using such systems.
5. All the entries would be available, even the parents who were looking to get admission for their child, and you could contact them later.
6. Teachers could check in and check out and you could assure their timings.
7. Invite your visitors and give them authorized parking plus a QR code, which you could send from Veris mobile app on their cell phones, which they could scan at the reception and entry will be automatically captured without having them to manually enter their details.
8. Show your Brand/School logo on check in tablet screen to let visitors get your brand impression and get notified to every visitor.
9. Customise your visitor management system as per your requirement of details.