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Monday, December 28, 2020

Do you Need a Touchless Visitor Sign-in for your Organization?

Whether you are watching on the news channels or scrolling your Instagram feeds, you have seen the regular reminders to sanitize your hands properly. But, personal hygiene is not just the of-the-moment trend. From the touchless faucets to modern automatic doors & pre-programmed elevators, the technology has finally adapted to offer seamless and new experiences – to protect personal hygiene. Further, this concept is extending to visitor management as well. Today, organizations have to upgrade their current visitor screening software by creating the touchless visitor sign-in procedure. The touchless visitor check-in protects their guests & team, but also creates an exceptional visitor experience. Going touchless makes the sign-in safer, & allows your business to quickly adapt to enforce health & safety regulations with Veris Covid-19 ready visitor management software. This option also creates a frictionless check-in experience while giving your visitors & employees, complete peace of mind beyond the times of this global health crisis.

Why should you invest in a touchless visitor screening solution?

There are several benefits to the touchless visitor screening system. Here are the five most important ones –

  • Offers customize features that fit your growing needs

The Veris touchless visitor management software is scalable & highly flexible. It makes the process simple for you to make changes you require and whenever you need them. You can also customize those features according to your preference & update them as often as required to keep pace with the modern trends & best practices in visitor management.

  • Reducing Costs

Streamlining & boosting the effectiveness of screening visitors in the office reduces the visitor processing costs over time. Your guests can simply sign-in by using the tablet at reception, automating the sign-in procedure so that your receptionist can focus more on the other tasks. Moreover, less paper is being used which means less will be your stationery-related costs.

  • Enhanced Building Security

A touchless visitor management system is known to enhance the safety of your employees & your organization by allowing you to rapidly register & identify the guests with your database. Veris’s touchless visitor management system can also track visitor movements around the workplace. This way, any evil intent is dejected as people are aware of the visitor’s identity and can be quickly traced.

  • Enhanced Visitor Experience

The touchless visitor management system by Veris offers a fast & streamlined way for visitors & employees to enter their details into the tablet. With the contactless attribute, they can even scan QR codes & enter their details via their smartphone instead of having to touch an unfamiliar screen which makes visitors feel safer. All such small changes can make a positive & significant impact on the visitor experience at your organization.

  • Pre-registration allows you to manage your office capacity

Having insight into the number of individuals in your organization has always been helpful when it comes to the space-planning & abiding by the fire codes. Nowadays, it is even more critical. As organizations become more concerned with the physical distancing & managing their building’s capacity, many of such duties fall to facilities leaders. By requiring visitors to pre-register their details, you can anticipate how many individuals you will have in your organization at any given time to keep your office density at a safe level.

Nobody knows what will be future of post-COVID-19. Thankfully, touchless visitor management investments are not tied to a certain future. The attractiveness of touchless visitor management investments is that they are the development for your workplace which is convenient. Touchless is simple, sanitary, and the ultimate future, whether coronavirus persists or not.

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