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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Why your Office Needs Electronic Front Desk Check-in Software?

Modern technology can make a big difference in the way companies are run & administered. The latest mobile technology is leading the way for innovative and practical office applications. Let’s take the case of electronic front desk check-in software. It is fast replacing the traditional logbook based physical registration process & visitor management. The front desk automation adds layers of benefits to the way individuals use your reception area. Right from the invitation to checkout, all stages of the front desk sign-in app in your reception area can now be digitized through the front desk management software. It transforms into the virtual receptionist for your organization and & manages all the visitors & front desk touchpoints. Be it your employees, clients, temporary personnel, or vendors, the front desk app ensures that only the approved individuals get access to your premises. The robust & well-implemented electronic reception management software is capable of delivering numerous benefits to your company.

  • Accuracy

Front desk software offers a high degree of precision. Be it through scanning of ID documents or the person typing into the predefined fields of data, the overall procedure is easier to manage & accurate than the manual visitor logbooks.

  • Faster registration procedure

Eliminating the time taken to write down the details in all columns of your visitor logbook, the electronic receptionist software makes the whole process faster. The invites allow visitors to chip in the invite code and scan ID for quick check-in. It also prevents long queues in the reception area and ensures the visitor registration process becomes faster.

  • Appropriate identification

It ensures that only the authenticated visitors are seen on your office premises. While the employees & regular customers would have their badge, the visitors typically don’t have badges. The electronic front desk management software can be connected to the printer to issue a temporary badge to the visitor with their photograph on it.

  • Ensures legal compliance

Create questionnaires, NDAs & other legal documents that demand the requirement for visitors to get access to your office facility. Get the digital signatures & avoid frustrating visitors with complex workflows. Keep significant business data secure & use registration data as proof in case of any dispute.

  • No waiting for guests

What would the typical scenario look like when the visitors come to visit the designated individuals but aren’t able to find them? With electronic front desk management software handling all these scenarios that becomes easier. The front desk management system comes with a message forwarding facility which takes down visitor’s message & notifies the concerned person in real-time so that the person is ready to greet their visitors.

Replacing the old paper-based visitor front desk process with the electronic visitor management system can do wonders for your organization facility & make the lives of your office administration & security staff much simpler & more significantly offer a better visitor registration experience for your visitors. Ensure legal compliance and enhance office security that makes the visitor registration process seamless. Veris provides a fully customizable & branded front desk management app for iPad, Android tablets, and an influential web-based admin panel for your business which aims to streamline your visitor check-in process.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Improve Productivity & Identity of your Organization with Meeting Room Display System

Today's organizations must think beyond just the competitive sales pitches & generous perks to attract top talents. The modern office environment has become an actual face of the organizations that workers are competing to enter. But organizations require more than the open concepts, modern furniture, & cappuccino-slinging baristas to reflect the modern face of their company. In this article, we will discuss an easy way with the help of which you can foster a competitive, ultra-modern, and vibrant office environment. Moreover, this solution also helps your employees to improve productivity, boost happiness & morale, and take advantage of modern conveniences. This top-notch solution is a digital meeting room display system. Digital meeting room display software improves the utilization of conference rooms & eliminates much of the tediousness of the meeting room bookings.

Benefits of digital meeting room booking system software –

  • Streamline meeting room scheduling

By using an office room booking system, employees & their teams can easily schedule conference rooms without having to go through the third-party or doing it manually. Simply view accessible time slots and book the conference room. And if that is not simple enough, most corporate solutions integrate with the calendar apps and it can all be an automated system.

  • Provide an instant overview

Just like the display screens at the airports show flight arrivals & departures at the glance, the digital meeting room display system shows everyone in the office that meetings are going on in which rooms. It makes it easier to discover the availability of all conference rooms and how to get there.

  • Assure people they've made it to the right meeting room

Outlook meeting room booking displays that hang outside of the conference rooms & link directly into employees’ calendars show a proper schedule of the day for each conference room & confirm to employees that they have made it to the right room.

  • Know instantly when the conference room is busy

There are large overview displays that show meeting room availability at a glance. Instead of going to the Outlook or calendar on workstation or laptop to check the meeting room availability, employees only need to check the large overview screen for the instant overview of all conference rooms, see which are available, & then go. Your conference can start in a few seconds, not minutes.

  • Promote the modern office environment

An online meeting room booking system helps to enhance employee productivity and looks great. It is a simple tool that makes a strong statement about who you are as a company, makes your visitors feel welcome, & projects a professional image.

  • Improve the organization’s  identity

Digital signage is attached to your company’s colors & logo. It is impressive for guests. It is just as significant to boost your organization’s profile & corporate identity for your internal employees. Employees who happen to be working at a pioneering company are proven to enjoy their workday more & report higher morale.

Whether you are looking for a simple large display with meeting directions, events, & meeting room status or you want to enhance your productivity & meeting room efficiency, with a meeting room booking screen integrated into your calendar system, Veris can help. So, go ahead and see what our meeting room displays can do for you.


Why your Company Needs an Automated Visitor Check-in Software?


Due to epidemic & various unforeseen global emergencies, companies are compelled to respond promptly & establish new policies, forcing the companies to hold a proper account of individuals entering their premises. Severe authorization & security checks are major aspects that ensure the safety of the organization. Streamlining the flow of guests is a constant pain for most of the sectors, on account of which most of the safety lapses take place. Sticking to the age-old manual visitor logbooks is no longer enough to combat modern problems. These manual logbooks are usually outdated, making the whole procedure tedious; ultimately, making it complicated to maintain a proper record of visitors. There are numerous points to consider when framing policies & strategies for ensuring the safety of your organization. The reception area acts as the first security check for your organization. Introducing efficient visitor check-in software for your company will help your management to focus more on operations. A well-organized visitor management system helps you to expand safety with additional steps at the time of visitors sign-in. Following are some evident reasons for choosing the visitor management software for your organization –

  • It will help you to easily manage your organization resources

Do you ever feel that your conference rooms double as the battlefields, with co-workers slugging it out over who booked the meeting room first? Efficient automated visitor registration systems which will help you to endorse instantaneous cease-fire. Any employee can reserve their pre-defined ‘resources’ that can encompass everything like meeting rooms, AV equipment, parking spaces, and more. 

  • It helps you to tailor features to fit their growing requirements

An effective electronic visitor sign-in tool is scalable & flexible. The front desk app makes it simple for you to make modifications as per your need whenever you require them. You can tailor it according to your choice and update it as and when required to keep pace with the latest trends & best practices in the visitor management system in India.

  • It boosts your staff morale

You only have one chance to make your first impression to last. The visitor management system will empower your lobby staff to welcome your guests quickly, efficiently, & warmly which could, in turn, raise professionalism for your company. It applies mainly to the organizations which take pride in providing unique & unforgettable experiences. How well they manage their visitors is an excellent indication of their approach to offering the on-site experience. All such benefits you get to enjoy while you keep your staff safe & customers satisfied.

Investing in this modern technology – visitor management system to modernize your business procedure is an excellent idea. The above-mentioned points are a few of many reasons to believe that visitor management solutions are taking over the reception. Although, there are a variety of these solutions available picking the wrong visitor management system for your organization can cost you features you don’t need or does not offer the best value. The visitor management system offered by Veris is user-friendly for your visitors & employees alike and under your budget.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Do you need a Touchless Visitor Sign-in System?

The modern invention of touchscreen technology marked an essential change in the way organizations interact with technology in their everyday life. But, what if you get a new way to control a visitor sign-in system that is completely touchless? It sounds farfetched, but that’s exactly what Veris’s new touchless visitor sign-in solution can do. As more organizations around the world are returning to work, every preventative measure counts in reducing the impact of COVID-19 in their workplace. The execution of digital visitor screening software like Veris is a great measure in minimizing the risks of face to face interactions. Veris permits you to do away with the paper sign-in sheets that can be loaded with harmful germs & touched lots of people in a day. There are countless benefits for workplaces using Veris for touchless visitor screening solutions, and now with touchless visitor check-in for iPad, managing visitors & keeping your staff safe becomes easier. Going touchless is easier than you think.

  • Touchless digital check-in

Covid-19 ready visitor management apps allow you to pre-register your visitors for a smoother check-in. With Veris’s touchless visitor management software, visitor sign-in & convenient digital forms are already built-in. Your guests can fill out their personal information, add a photo, & give their reason for visiting before even setting foot on your property. No communal kiosks shared pens, and sign-in sheets are required. Make sure your touchless visitor management software has strong encryption so that your data stays secure.

  • Pre-registration helps you to manage your office capacity

Having insights on the number of individuals in your building has always been helpful when it comes to the space-planning & abiding by fire codes. Moreover, it is even more critical as companies become more concerned with physical distancing & managing capacity, most of the duties fall on facilities leaders’ head. By involving guests to pre-register, you can foresee how many individuals you will have on your premises at any given time to keep your workplace density at a safe level.

  • Use touchless visitor management system for contact tracing

Contact tracing is one of the effective ways to reduce the spread of coronavirus & other contagious illnesses. In a recent survey, 35% of the employees said they expect their employers to inform them if they have potentially been in contact with somebody who reports testing positive for coronavirus. Contact tracing on the premises is much easier if you have a record of every worker who was on the premises during the period of plausible exposure. If you prefer to use your touchless visitor management system for this purpose, you can simply ask every worker to pre-register on the days they are coming to the office & you will maintain a digital record.

  • Checking out with Veris Touchless

When your guests are ready to leave it is as simple as scanning their printed visitor badge or Fast Track QR code using the iPad & check-out is complete.

Veris’s touchless iPad check-in lets your reception manage your guests coming to your office without requiring them to touch the iPad check-in kiosk. The procedure can be simply managed from the web dashboard to ensure a smooth check-in procedure for staff, visitors & contractors alike.