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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

How Does Meeting Room Scheduling Software Enable More Productivity?

We all know the conference room struggles. Finding the appropriate meeting space without a proper system can waste your valuable time & leave employees frustrated that will ultimately affect your business’s productivity. The good news is that there is a fix for meeting scheduling troubles – Meeting room scheduling software can eliminate waste of time & confusion while booking meetings, relieving your employees from the dispute for conference space. Conference room booking system can eliminate the challenges of securing meeting room spaces, allowing your meetings to occur without affecting your productivity.

  • No Wasted Space

When the calendar says there are not any rooms available for your meeting, the attendees resort to changing time, huddling around the lunch table, or dialing into the call individually from their desks. With the meeting room display system in place, the attached smart sensors can identify when meeting rooms are not in use & alert the system to mark space as available. Attendees can also check-in and check-out of rooms, so that, other employees can use space when their meetings end earlier than they originally planned. All such automatic scheduling updates by office room booking system happen in real-time & these updates are available for viewing on the digital displays throughout the office and on mobile & desktop platforms. Making the best use of meeting room space translates to optimizing the employee time and ensuring higher productivity.

  • Updates on the fly

Multiple scheduling conflicts, including phantom meetings & double bookings, are avoided when the system is flexible enough for the users to make adaptable adjustments on the go. With the advanced meeting room booking system, users can book rooms, access their meeting details, and make on-the-go changes from their laptops and mobile applications. This way, users can view any changes to the scheduled meetings even when the employees are not at their desks. The capability to make real-time updates is particularly helpful when the attendees are running late for the meeting. It is also helpful for scheduling meetings & booking rooms on demand, no matter where the organizer is at that time.

  • No double bookings

The flip side of wasting conference space is overbooking meeting rooms. It is one of the common pitfalls of scheduling solutions including Outlook. Even though one organizer has booked the conference room for the whole day, yet the same meeting room will still appear available for some other users. This ends up in an argument for meeting space. Meeting room booking software can help the office managements avoid this type of scheduling hiccups. The software also offers users with up-to-date calendars, this is why, they can view meetings related to their schedules - making it easy to find time & space which is sure to work.

  • No more confusion

With the online meeting room booking system in place, all your employees are on the same page. There is a centralized location for all conference requirements – and, of course, it is simply available for all users on their devices. Also, the meeting room scheduling software helps office managers to implement the standard process for reserving the shared spaces. With the help of an online meeting room booking screen, office managers can even block out the rooms & designate VIP spaces, so that, employees are not caught off guard when they show up for the meeting & can’t use space. And, employees can continue with their meetings, without any confusion.

With Veris’s conference room booking solution, you can introduce the seamless & flexible meeting scheduling procedure for your team. This cloud-based software allows your employees to use the web & mobile applications to view meeting space available & manage their bookings in real-time. The meeting room reservations are an intuitive, frictionless, and seamless process.

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