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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

5 Reasons to Consider Visitor Management System over the Manual Entry Books

Your company’s reception area is the gateway to your office. Visitors to your office come in different shapes & sizes. They can be anyone from the potential new hires coming in for an interview, to important clients. Regardless of the types of visitors, you are expecting, it is important to process them quickly & efficiently while giving them a warm welcome. Visitor management consists of some different phases – before the visit, moment the visitor arrives, their stay, & the moment they leave. It is important to carefully consider each phase of this process when receiving guests. The visitor access control system by Veris is an extremely important aspect for businesses. There are a lot of arguments that prove the importance of Visitor Management software over manual entry books, a few of them are listed below –
  • Security –
Visitor Management System ensures the effective & efficient security of your premises. Unlike another kind of manual entry book where visitors used to make their entries that may or may not be true. Furthermore, each of your visitors can access your guest list easily. There is a huge invasion of privacy. The system verifies each of the visitor’s detail by sending OTP along with the real-time check-in, there is no scope for the guests of yours to enter the fake details.
  • Accuracy and Reliability –
Visitor Management Software verifies the visitor’s data via OTP (One Time Password). Hence, the information of your guest is accurate & there are no chances to get them changed. This makes data so record reliable enough to use as & when required.
  • Pre-registration –
The system holds great importance for various reasons, most important of them being a feature of pre-registering your visitors. While in the manual entry books the person who enters in your premises fill in their details, whereas once you implement the reception management software in your premise, you can pre-register your visitors letting the security of your officials know about expected individuals. This results in lowering the accumulation of the visitors in your front desk area.
  • Effective Monitoring –
Not each of the security officials can attend your visitor or can check if the visitors are not roaming around. Visitor tracking app aids ineffective monitoring by availing ‘Meeting Over’ function where front-desk executives or security officials would come to know about visitors who should be leaving the premises once the host presses the button.
  • Enduring Impact –
By eliminating the long waiting lines in your premises & processing visitors quickly & efficiently, you can assist to enhance the image of your organization. Visitor management systems create an efficient & streamlined experience that visitors will remember & appreciate. Some visitor management systems also integrate with Microsoft Outlook, thus, you can automatically alert hosts of their visitors’ arrival via email & also send visitors meeting confirmations via email.
To conclude, the electronic visitor management solutions can simplify the reception tasks, ensure smooth processing of visitors upon arrival allowing you to be the rest assured which your health & safety obligations have been met & that your site remains secure.

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