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Monday, July 1, 2019

How a visitor management system saves money?

Offices are still using conventional log books to keep a track of visiting entities in their facilities but the question is how do you leverage the use of advanced visitor management technology to secure the premises and at the same time ensure utmost productivity and save money.

1.Reduced Labour Cost: As a conventional practice you would hire someone to sit at the reception and take note of who’s coming in and can cost a huge amount of money to an organization and if you get a large number of visitors, you’ll need to hire more people to sit at the desk, but if you have a smart self check-in kiosk in place then your visitors can self check-in and at the same time your staff could do more productive work.

2.Less time searching for records and more time for productivity: In case of finding a single record of entry, you will end up sifting through piles of papers just to search for information of that one visitor. Visitor management system records the data of each and every visitor, allowing for fast and convenient visitor tracking.

3.Less visitor interruption: Employee who sits closest to the door from where your visitors walk into the premises is most affected by an interruption from visitors. According to a research done by The New York Times, once interrupted people take 25 to 30 minutes to get back into the task, which means if a person is interrupted once in a day, he or she loses an average of 2.5 hours of productivity a week. Eliminating these interruptions can boost productivity, hence save your money.

4. Eliminate the use of paper: One of the biggest reasons why organisations are perceiving the idea of having a smart visitor management is because visitor sign-in sheets and logbooks account for 60% of the number of consumable office supplies. Eliminating the use of paper can save a lot of money for your organization. Veris visitor management system comes with smart e-badges for visitors, guests and employees to completely eliminate the use of papers, which is not only helping organisations to save money but making them greener with each check-in without using paper.