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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Greet your Guests with Electronic Visitor Sign-in

With modern technology entering every area of our lives, it is only a matter of time before we use it to rationalize even the most often ordinary aspects of business practices. There is an area where modern technology can make a big difference to corporate is the electronic visitor management sign-in system. Usually, the businesses have used the visitor tracking system manually for numerous reasons. One of the main benefits of getting visitor information is to be able to build a large contact list for future events and promotions. Another important reason is security. However, when the compilation of data is done manually, it can take many man-hours. There are several benefits of adopting a digital visitor front desk app. Digital reception management system take the process online & help to streamline the whole procedure. Here are some of how the digital check-in app can help your business –

  • Safety of your premises

The priority of the organization and facility is the safety of your premises & workers present inside it. Premises safety can efficiently be attained by Visitor Management software that ensures there is no unauthorized intrusion that takes place within your office sites. Premises safety achieved using Electronic Visitor Management software promotes further benefits that extend to the stimulation of ambient employer-client relationships. The employers feel more secure & act affectionately towards visitors & clients.

  • Better Visibility

As visitor information is logged in the visitor management software & a photo ID is captured, it is possible to categorize & track individuals on your premises. As the visitor management system creates a photo ID for every visitor it registers, the reception staff is capable to identify guests with ease. You can also keep a proper track of on-going visitor activities & study visitor patterns. Visitors also have the option to pre-register, allow your receptionists to be better prepared with information on them when they reach.

  • Building a solid reputation

Building a solid brand reputation can be efficiently achieved by using the virtual lobby receptionist system. Good Visitor Registration software allows for developing the mutual feelings of reliance & trustworthiness among visitors and employers. Your guests get overwhelmed by such an ambient & careful screening of all the visitors moving in & out of your premises. So, you can count on the Visitor Management software for the successful development of a good brand image.

  • Low-cost solution

Contrary to high-tech visitor scanning security solutions, Visitor Management software is surely a low-cost solution. The major advantage of Visitor Management software is that this system is flexible and highly scalable. Furthermore, you can choose from different packages that depend on your requirements. It means with little investment; you will get the customized & all-inclusive Visitor Management software that does not put a strain on your pocket.

Efficient electronic visitor management software is worthy of investing in. For your premises, it has benefits of saving time & money along with superior safety & security. If you are looking for a complete solution for electronic visitor registration, tracking, badging, & management, then Veris will be a good service to consider. The visitor management system by Veris is convenient & saves time for your guests.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Reasons why you should adopt a Conference Room Schedule Display for your Office Premises


It is vital that conference room schedule displays are helpful for booking information in real-time & make sure that the information presented is right for your office premises. The appropriate booking information for your organization is not certainly the right information for your business. You must be able to select what meets the information your conference room management software presents & how they present it. Your conference room displays must be easy to manage & include certain management tools. If you have more than ten meeting rooms it becomes time-consuming & difficult to see the status of each device & manage firmware updates, opening hours, and room display links if it has to be done locally on each device. The conference room availability displays should include the central management tool where you can monitor your devices, push out room display links, push out new firmware, set opening hours, power up & power downtimes, and push out special messages to your employees. LED lights, warranty period, & user authentication is also significant features you should consider when exploring your conference room scheduling solution. User authentication via RFID cards and personal pin code will provide you great tracking opportunities, & ensure you’re your employees only can check-in, prolong, or end meetings that they are attending.

  • Foster a productive work environment

Consider the ways which make your work life easier & people more productive. The meeting room displays help individuals to find the right room & make reservations easier by linking the meeting room displays directly into your calendar or booking system like Outlook and Microsoft 365. No more running around conference rooms to explore if one is available. There is no more meeting room theft. Meeting room scheduling systems also alleviate the confusion of availability. Less wasted time, better and more productive meetings, the option to extend meeting times, instantly locating appropriate meeting rooms are all features & benefits that enhance your company productivity.

  • Eliminate room sharking

Room sharking happens when someone is exploring the meeting room for their meeting & simply walks into the room that looks free, but really isn’t. When the person who has actually booked the room shows-up there is an awkward moment. This scenario is not only awkward; it generates an unproductive work environment, where co-workers have unnecessary conflicts over conference rooms. Conference room displays eliminate the room sharking problem as no one needs to walk into the conference room without booking it.

  • Know instantly when the meeting room is occupied

Large overview displays show meeting room availability at a glance. Instead of going to Outlook and your calendar on your workstation to check availability, employees only need to check the large overview screen for the instant overview of all the meeting rooms, see which are available, & go. So, your meeting can start in just a few seconds, not in minutes.

  • Check availability on the go

Sometimes it’s just not practical to explore and reserve the conference room for a 10-minute phone call or a quick one-on-one. Most of the individuals just go to the nearest empty conference room without checking if the meeting room is actually available or if somebody has a meeting which starts soon. A conference booking software lets you check instantly if the meeting room is available & for how long from right outside the door.

Adopting a Conference room booking display system by Veris is an essential investment for your organization. Thus, go ahead and gain a win-win situation for your business.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

How Your Organization Can Benefit from Meeting Room Display System?

In the modern corporate world, there is a huge focus on collaboration or teamwork. With offices & co-workers spread-out geographically & across different time zones, office meetings are usually carried out with modern technologies including video conferencing & shared screens.

Conference rooms, huddle rooms, & pods are becoming increasingly more popular in today’s workplace. But, sometimes you might not be able to get access to them. In several cases, you might have thought that you booked out the conference room but when you go to use it, someone else is already in there. The major solution to overcome this hurdle is the meeting room display system. There are numerous benefits of having a meeting room scheduling software. Below, we have highlighted some of the main advantages of having an office room booking system.

Check availability on the go 

Sometimes it is just not practical to search for and reserve a meeting room for a 10-minute phone call or a quick one-on-one. Most of the individuals just go to the nearest empty conference room without checking if the meeting room is available or if someone has a meeting that starts soon. The online meeting room booking system lets you check instantly if the room is available & for how long from right outside the door.

Manage Room Occupancy 

A proper outlook meeting room booking system will automatically detect & prevent users from booking conference rooms that already have meetings. It is a pre-emptive method of detection & prevention that eliminates the majority of office productivity-related issues of having to find the vacant conference room. Using meeting room reporting, you can get data on how often your 12-person meeting room is used by just four persons. It will allow you to better understand the space needed to meet the demands of your industry & make more knowledgeable decisions about the size of your conference room.

Multiple Methods of booking a conference room

Choosing an online meeting room booking system that offers numerous avenues for booking can simplify the procedure of finding & reserving a conference room even easier. From a web-based interface which can be accessed via any browser to the mobile app or the wall-mounted room display panel can offer staff that is always on the move to be able to find & reserve meeting rooms. Workplaces that use Microsoft Outlook can influence plug-ins that allow them to reserve a meeting room right from within Microsoft Outlook that makes life easier.

Free-up front desk resources 

Meeting room booking screens take the work out of offering guidance to visitors for front desk resources. It frees up the front desk to focus on other important tasks than simply tell your employees where to go. This also shows that your time is valued. And, there is no question that employees who feel valued, experience higher morale & are happier overall.


In modern workplaces, it is crucial to have Veris’s conference room booking system that replaces most of the manual techniques of the meeting room reservation. Having a proper meeting room booking system in your office, organizations can see significant improvement in their productivity. Business rules & policies can help make meeting rooms available to individuals who need them. Numerous methods of interacting with the system can address the requirements of staff that are desk-bound or on the move

Monday, December 28, 2020

Do you Need a Touchless Visitor Sign-in for your Organization?

Whether you are watching on the news channels or scrolling your Instagram feeds, you have seen the regular reminders to sanitize your hands properly. But, personal hygiene is not just the of-the-moment trend. From the touchless faucets to modern automatic doors & pre-programmed elevators, the technology has finally adapted to offer seamless and new experiences – to protect personal hygiene. Further, this concept is extending to visitor management as well. Today, organizations have to upgrade their current visitor screening software by creating the touchless visitor sign-in procedure. The touchless visitor check-in protects their guests & team, but also creates an exceptional visitor experience. Going touchless makes the sign-in safer, & allows your business to quickly adapt to enforce health & safety regulations with Veris Covid-19 ready visitor management software. This option also creates a frictionless check-in experience while giving your visitors & employees, complete peace of mind beyond the times of this global health crisis.

Why should you invest in a touchless visitor screening solution?

There are several benefits to the touchless visitor screening system. Here are the five most important ones –

  • Offers customize features that fit your growing needs

The Veris touchless visitor management software is scalable & highly flexible. It makes the process simple for you to make changes you require and whenever you need them. You can also customize those features according to your preference & update them as often as required to keep pace with the modern trends & best practices in visitor management.

  • Reducing Costs

Streamlining & boosting the effectiveness of screening visitors in the office reduces the visitor processing costs over time. Your guests can simply sign-in by using the tablet at reception, automating the sign-in procedure so that your receptionist can focus more on the other tasks. Moreover, less paper is being used which means less will be your stationery-related costs.

  • Enhanced Building Security

A touchless visitor management system is known to enhance the safety of your employees & your organization by allowing you to rapidly register & identify the guests with your database. Veris’s touchless visitor management system can also track visitor movements around the workplace. This way, any evil intent is dejected as people are aware of the visitor’s identity and can be quickly traced.

  • Enhanced Visitor Experience

The touchless visitor management system by Veris offers a fast & streamlined way for visitors & employees to enter their details into the tablet. With the contactless attribute, they can even scan QR codes & enter their details via their smartphone instead of having to touch an unfamiliar screen which makes visitors feel safer. All such small changes can make a positive & significant impact on the visitor experience at your organization.

  • Pre-registration allows you to manage your office capacity

Having insight into the number of individuals in your organization has always been helpful when it comes to the space-planning & abiding by the fire codes. Nowadays, it is even more critical. As organizations become more concerned with the physical distancing & managing their building’s capacity, many of such duties fall to facilities leaders. By requiring visitors to pre-register their details, you can anticipate how many individuals you will have in your organization at any given time to keep your office density at a safe level.

Nobody knows what will be future of post-COVID-19. Thankfully, touchless visitor management investments are not tied to a certain future. The attractiveness of touchless visitor management investments is that they are the development for your workplace which is convenient. Touchless is simple, sanitary, and the ultimate future, whether coronavirus persists or not.