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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Need of Smart Visitor Management System

Creating a secure environment for employees
Companies are looking to attract the best talent and to retain them. Organisations are attempting to attract the best employees with appealing modern work spaces and top-tier amenities to let them fall in love with the culture and environment. One of the most important aspects where companies are now looking to invest is towards their employee security and convenience, yes they do provide handsome health packages and compensatory perks but more and more organisation are looking at offering an ease of collaboration, taking away mundane activities from their jobs, automating them and replacing that time with options for recreational activities and added productivity.

Cost-effective visitor management solution
We should all know by now that safety & convenience is an important factor in optimizing performance at work. Organisations hire a small army of guards to optimise facility security but when it comes to everyday visitor verification, they still depend on conventional logbooks, while on the other hand many organisations have upgraded their visitor management system and taken it to the next level of digitization of visitor management. Companies like Veris are now building smart visitor management solutions in order to make any facility, the safest facility. But it doesn't just stop there. It also allows your receptionist to free-up for greeting, meeting & treating the visitor instead of being involved in the process of capturing details and coordinating with the host employee. On the other hand, the employees are also relieved of unnecessary visitor disturbances and calls from the reception. Veris also allows two-way communication between the visitor and the employee completely eliminating the need for human intervention. A win-win scenario for all involved!

Need to upgrade from a conventional visitor solution
This is starting to be a higher priority in workplace design and In order for businesses to better manage themselves, communicate, and share ideas, the information must flow outside of traditional hierarchal structures like conventional log books which is an outdated visitor solution but unfortunately being employed by a number of organisations.

The new art of visitor management
Digital Transformation might sound like a fad, but is very much a high priority for new age organisations driven by technology innovation and adoption.  Organisations concerned for their employees and assets are increasingly embracing this new approach to visitor management as it benefits the entire eco-system: Visitors, Employees, Admins and the management!