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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Veris Cloud Based Visitor Management System

A recent brand experience study revealed that 81% businesses believe that it is the brand experience that is a more effective driver of performance than even marketing communication. The same study, conducted by The Chartered Institute of Marketing, also found that 75% marketers agree that how to position the brand and its values plays a major role in most major business decisions. In fact, brand experience is the top priority for business across the globe, a trend that is expected to continue in 2019.

Why Brand Experience?

So, why are companies, large and small, so focused on brand experience? Well, Neilsen’s latest Total Audience report reveals that that largest single population that any business would target is made up of millennials and Gen Z, accounting for 48% of the total population. And, if businesses need to target this largest demographic, they have to give them what this target audience desires. CNBC is not the only one to report that millennials and Gen Zers prioritize experience over material possessions. They prefer to spend money on something that gives them a positive experience, rather than the usual big cars and luxury assets.

And, brand experience gives them just what they are looking for, since it focuses on providing a multi-sensory experience that will create a meaningful and long-lasting experience with a brand. In addition, this target audience is what has often been called “digital natives.” They love the advantages technology has to offer to simplify life.

So, what does all this have to do with a cloud-based visitor management system? The answer is simple – where does a visitor have the first experience of your business? At the doorstep of your premises, of course. This is, therefore, where the brand experience should begin.

Veris Brings the Gift of Customizability

Veris has developed visitor management software that offers amongst the highest levels of customizability in India. It allows businesses to provide visitors tailormade check-in and check-out processes that are user-friendly, fast and efficient, while providing a high level of security. Here’s a look at the features that can be customized to give visitors the perfect brand experience:

Customized Check-in

With the Veris guest management system, businesses get a tech-based solution for visitors to check-in at the premises. The welcome screen can be customized with your own logo and colors, while the information collected from the visitor can also be customized according to what data you would like to collect. This data can then be used for further analysis, as well as marketing efforts. You can add a brand message to the welcome screen as well. In fact, some companies in India have customized this visitor management system to provide a slide show, conveying company-specific information to visitors, between check-ins. The best part is that the visitor receives a quick, smooth and efficient experience of your business, right at the doorstep.

Customizable Dashboard

To ensure the highest levels of security, specific and customized monitoring of people entering and leaving your premises, the dashboard can be customized so that the admin or security team can monitor multiple remote locations simultaneously, in real time. With a simple drag-and-drop feature, the dashboard can be customized to provide emergency notifications, alerts and even generate compliance reports in the format of your choice for both audit and admin purposes. All the data can be saved in Excel or CSV format and securely stored on the cloud, with customized filters for targeted reporting.

Web Check-In & More

When you have people who frequently visit your premises or you invite certain people to your office, you can make the experience even more streamlined for them. With the admin being able to pre-fill 70% of the visitor’s data beforehand, all the person needs to do when they arrive is to have their picture clicked for the visitor’s badge and sign the NDA. To make it even more efficient, the invitee can actually fill in all the required information during their commute to your premises via the web check-in facility. All you have to do is send them the link with the invite. In addition, the host is notified as soon as the invitee checks in, so that you can give them a truly red-carpet welcome.

With a guest management system that allows you to choose the type of experience you want to give visitors of your business, you can truly create a luxurious brand experience for everyone. The visitor management software can also be customized to allow employees to efficiently and quickly check in and out of the premises, adding to employee satisfaction.

Visitor Management System (VMS)

We all come across the time when visitor management system was nothing more but entering our credentials/details on a piece of paper and it is still in practice while we are evolving with innovation and visitor management system is getting innovative and instead of papers businesses are employing smart visitor management tools for the ease of visitors. Data is very important for any business and you never know who is showing up on your door step, it could be a business lead or an asset employee going to register on a piece of paper, in order for you to access that information later at the end of the day you might end up going through all the entries made in your visitor management system which is nothing but just a piece of paper which could be associated with errors and most of the business won’t call it a dependable mode of visitor management system.

Latest Innovation in Visitor Management System
Veris brings you the latest innovation in visitor management system through reliable smart devices and portals for you visitors to register at your business concierge. A system which is so innovative as well as enough to make a smart impression about your business and as easy that a layman could use. We understand your business requirement that you may not want to hassle yourself with the wires and installation requirement of such a smart system, as a reason of that we bring the smartest cloud based data storage system which will keep you free from installing any hardware at your office and information will directly be stored in our smart cloud based system, which you could access anytime with ease.

Applications of smart visitor management System
Before I introduce you with the advantages of employing such smart management system, I want you to ask these questions from yourself.
  • How often it happens to us that we make impression about anything we see or observe?
  • How would you like to make an unforgettable impression about your business?
  • How would you feel about a business where the first interaction is with a smart self-check-in device?
  • Do my recurring visitors have to register again?
  • Will I be notified about someone I am eagerly waiting for?
  • Will I be able to showcase my logo?
  • Is it easy to customize? 
  • What if my internet goes down and the system goes offline?
Well if these are your questions or expectations from our visitor management system then the answer is yes to all of them. The best impression would be achieved by our self-check-in system through a device which will take all the required information you want with respective I.D photograph which will be available to you anytime. The recurring visitors can fetch details entered on prior visits and will be processed faster. You could enable the notification for arrival of you visitors. You could showcase your logo and even run a smart slideshow about your business brand. The biggest application of our smart visitor management system is that it is very easy to customize. Electric cut could be common in some cities and as a reason of that we provide smart data sync after internet recovery so as to not loose important data while the system was offline.

Go Green Go Smart Go Innovative Go VMS

Big organizations are struggling to go green and regular initiatives are taken to call themselves green organizations, we bring you the smart and impressive and innovative and green system which could be your first step towards making your place an environment friendly place, say no to papers to get details of your visitors, employ smart visitor management system(vms) to prove your dedication towards building a paperless work place. 
By employing our system, you are not only supporting the cause but you are also taking initiatives towards going innovative and smart.

For more information on Visitor Management System visit-

Monday, November 5, 2018

Go Paperless with Veris: The Green Visitor Management System

Did you know, 40% of the world’s commercially cut timber is consumed by the paper producing industry? The production also requires an upsettingly high amount of water: 10 litres for a single A4 sheet. Given that we are already experiencing the adverse impact of climate change and deforestation, the time is ripe for businesses to create paperless workplaces. One crucial area that is often neglected when we think of green offices is the visitor management process at the reception. Most companies still rely on log books & printed badges.
This is where a cloud-based access management system can come to the rescue. And, when you choose Veris, one of the most trusted visitor management softwares in the Indian corporate landscape, you get much more than just the ability to go completely paperless. You get a smooth, streamlined and efficient process that ensures high levels of security for your office premises.
When you choose to deploy the best visitor management system for your premises, you evaluate it on many tangents, one being the significant reduction in your carbon footprint.

Read More @ Veris -  Visitor Mangament system